Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 220 Deep into the Holy Tomb

Chapter 220 Going Deep into the Holy Tomb ([-])

"Haha, that's right, I've also checked, and they don't have souls, they're puppets at all, and I also found that there is an imperceptible and powerful energy pool providing them with energy in the treasures on these floors. And send some mysterious signals. Just like the Jijia Pavilion I went to before, the guardians there are also puppets, and they are also supported by energy." Wukong laughed.

"So, after we reach the No.14 floor, we need to find the treasure first, and then directly destroy the energy pool, so that we can obtain the godhead without any effort." Emond continued to analyze.

"Correct, so the next task will be handed over to you two." Wukong replied.

"What? Leave it to us? Brother Sun, you won't help us?" Edmond asked in surprise.

"Help, of course, but mainly rely on yourselves, I only help you when you are in danger." Wukong said with a smile.

"Okay, that's fine, it's also good for us." Emond instantly understood Wukong's intentions, and said joyfully.

"Hey, it's time for a good fight. I hope the No.14 guardian will not disappoint me." Yun Xuanling said expectantly.

Then the three Wukong successfully entered the No.14 floor.

The first thing that catches the eye is a wide grassland, which is completely different from what everyone imagined. The scene is very quiet. There is a small small lake 1000 meters in front of the Wukong three, and there is a person fishing there by the lake. , and there is a small hut next to it.If they saw this scene from the outside, everyone would not be surprised, but in this holy tomb full of hidden murderous intentions, it seems extraordinarily strange.

"What's going on? Brother Wukong, did we go to the wrong place?" Yun Xuanling asked suspiciously.

"Don't be deceived by the falsehood in front of you, well, the next thing is up to you." Wukong warned.

"En." Yun Xuanling nodded.

Then the three of Wukong moved forward, Yun Xuanling and Edmond drove forward cautiously, only Wukong walked leisurely as if walking in the backyard of his own house.

"Haha, I finally took the bait." When the three of Wukong were still 100 meters away from the mysterious man, the mysterious man suddenly laughed loudly, and at the same time he lifted the hook, and a big black fish about two meters long was thrown up.

"Haha, I haven't caught such a big fish for a long time." The mysterious man was wearing a gray robe and a gray straw hat. The big black fish in the mid-air saw that the big fish, which was alive and kicking, immediately stopped moving, then got off the hook and flew to a stone table in front of the hut.

At this time, Edmond and Yun Xuanling were on alert, ready to fight at any time.

"Be careful, this person is not an energy body, and there is no energy pool here. He has wisdom, and his strength is definitely not inferior to the two of you." Wukong suddenly sent a voice transmission to Yun Xuanling and the two of them.

"What?" Yun Xuanling and Edmond echoed in surprise at the same time.

"Brother Sun, what should we do next?" If it was a person without wisdom, even if he was stronger than him, Edmund wouldn't be too worried, but now he is a person with high intelligence and strength stronger than himself Guardian, Edmund was at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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