Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 225 Deep into the Holy Tomb

Chapter 225 Going Deep into the Holy Tomb ([-])

"Hmph, what nonsense." Jian Xinhun gritted his teeth and refused to admit it.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, as long as you hand over your godhead." Wukong said with a light smile.

"It's impossible for me to hand over my godhead. I spent all my energy to get it. How could I give it to you?" Jian Xinhun still regarded himself as an intruder.

"Xiao Ling, Edmond, I'll leave it to you two." Wukong ignored Jian Xinhun and said to Yun Xuanling with a haha.

"Wait, Brother Sun, you won't let the two of us deal with Senior Jianxinhun, will you?" Edmund asked in surprise.

"That's right, it's just you two. I won't make a move. I believe you can do it." Wukong smiled, then flew away from the crowd, and stopped 1000 meters away from the crowd.

As soon as Yun Xuanling heard that there was another fight to fight, he immediately changed into a fighting state - a radiant colorful long sword, but Emond was completely different.

Edmund originally knew Jian Xinhun's identity, and he was a little in awe of him. Although he was at the level of the main god, he was far inferior to the strongest in the level of the main god, not to mention that Jian Xinhun was once the strongest in the level of the emperor , you must know that in the four major civilizations

In the upper realm of cultivation civilization, those of the upper realm of cultivation civilization are stronger, especially those at the level of immortal emperors. The strongest master gods of the upper realm of magic civilization are not even ranked in the top ten among the powerhouses of the upper realm of cultivation civilization. superior.

The strongest person in the main god level can instantly kill himself, and it is easy to kill a dozen or twenty people of the same level as himself, not to mention that the opponent is Nanyi Emperor Jian Xinsoul. Although Yun Xuanling's strength is stronger than himself, he is also stronger. It's not much, it's impossible to compete at all,
It was almost death, Emond didn't have any confidence in himself and Yun Xuanling in dealing with Jian Xinhun.

"But, Brother Sun, huh?" Emond wanted to say something more, but found that Wukong was already a thousand meters away, lying on his side in the void, and a big peach appeared in his hand, and he took a bite, and then looked at Wukong with a smile. They obviously didn't plan to make a move in that situation.

"He didn't make a move? There must be fraud, so don't be careless." After all, Jian Xinhun has lived for nearly tens of millions of years, so of course he doesn't believe that Wukong won't make a move.

Jian Xinhun was secretly on guard, but on the surface he pretended to be arrogant: "Hahahaha, okay, no one in the upper world of the four major civilizations dares to offend this great emperor. Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for bullying the younger. "

"Stop talking nonsense and watch the trick." Yun Xuanling couldn't wait.

Hundreds of colorful rainbows streaked across the sky, heading towards Jianxinhun with lightning speed.

"Hiss." Hundreds of colorful rainbows instantly penetrated Jian Xin Soul and hit the ground directly.

There was a loud "bang", and countless stone chips flew up.

"Damn it." I saw that the pierced sword heart soul gradually vanished into nothingness. It turned out to be an afterimage. At this time, the sword heart soul was [-] meters above.

"If it wasn't for the fear of the man in black making a sneak attack, you would be two corpses now." Jian Xinhun was afraid that Wukong would sneak up on him from behind, so he didn't dare to get distracted and counterattack, but avoided Yun Xuanling's surprise attack.

Without waiting for Jian Xinhun to think about it, hundreds of rainbows appeared from below Jian Xinhun.

"Since you don't make a move, then I will make a move first." Jian Xinhun made up his mind.

With a sound of '咻', he dodged Yun Xuanling's attack again, turned into a silver sharp light and attacked Wukong directly.

(End of this chapter)

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