Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 226 Deep into the Holy Tomb

Chapter 226 Going Deep into the Holy Tomb ([-])

"Don't run, do you think you are fast?" Jian Xinhun twice dodged Yun Xuanling's attack instead of fighting Yun Xuanling head-on, angering Yun Xuanling, Yun Xuanling suddenly shouted , hundreds of colorful Changhong suddenly turned to the brightest colorful rainbow in the middle
The long swords converged and merged into one in an instant, and then rushed towards Jianxinhun at an astonishing speed.

"What? What's going on?" Jian Xinhun was attacking Wukong with all his strength at this time, and he was about to attack, but he felt the powerful sword intent behind him. This powerful sword intent made Jian Xinhun terrified in his heart.If you don't dodge or resist, you will die

In this emergency situation where there are tigers and wolves behind, Jianxinhun must make a choice as soon as possible.

I saw a white light burst out from the silver sharp light, hitting the seven-colored long sword that followed immediately behind.But the silver sharp light attacked Wukong as usual.

"Crack." After the colorful Changhong collided with the white light, the white light was instantly broken, and a silver-white long sword broke into two pieces and fell downwards, while the colorful Changhong slowed down because of the white long sword. and power.

Looking at Jian Xinsoul again, I saw that Jian Xinsoul's full-strength blow unexpectedly went to nothing, but the ground below suffered the most, and a huge bottomless cave was pierced by Jian Xinsoul's violent blow.

At this time, Jian Xinhun was very angry. Just now, he temporarily threw out his only top-grade fairy weapon to defend himself against Yun Xuanling's fatal blow. However, this fairy sword that had been with him for millions of years was instantly destroyed. destroyed.

"If I hadn't made a mistake back then and was punished by the people of the holy world to guard here, I would have ascended to the holy world long ago, and I wouldn't have fallen to this point now, let alone wanting to use despicable means to deal with them. Junior, let alone expecting to be a junior

It's really hateful to be forced to sacrifice your own fame sword to save your own life. "Jian Xinhun thought fiercely in his heart.

For some reason, Jianxinhun offended a person who came to the holy world, so he was punished by the person from the holy world to be the guardian of the holy tomb. After the end, if Jianxinhun can keep the godhead at this level, he will return Jianxinhun's freedom.

Here Jianxinhun can't continue to practice at all. There is no aura and law of heaven and earth that practitioners need here. make up from heaven and earth
Here it comes, only by taking pills to recover, Wukong just discovered the special situation on this floor, so he decided not to take action, keep his strength just in case, so as not to encounter the same situation after reaching the next few floors, when the time comes It would be a little dangerous.

Of course, Wukong also believes that Yunxuanling and Emond can defeat Jianxinhun. Even if Jianxinhun is the strongest of the Immortal Emperor, Wukong also believes that Yunxuanling can do it. As for why Wukong has so much confidence in Yunxuanling, there is only one answer , that is - read on

"Jian Xinhun, I know what you are worried about. I said that I would not make a move if I did not make a move. If I wanted to make a move, I would not play so many tricks with you." At this time, Wukong appeared on top of the small hut.

"Okay, I'll just trust you once." Jian Xinhun couldn't believe it even if he didn't believe it at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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