Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 228 Deep into the Holy Tomb

Chapter 228 Going Deep into the Holy Tomb ([-])
At this time, Jianxinhun's whole body slowly rose up, and then began to spin, turning faster and faster, turning faster and faster, and the surrounding silver-white aura formed a vortex, the upper and lower ends were the same size, and the middle was relatively small. At that time, I couldn't see the sword heart and soul, I could only see

See the silver-white vortex spinning rapidly.

Seeing that Yun Xuanling didn't move at all, there was still a seven-colored long sword hanging in the air, as if he didn't take Jian Xinsoul's storage move seriously at all.

"What is Yun Xuanling doing? Didn't you see Senior Jian Xinhun preparing moves?" Emond asked anxiously seeing that Yun Xuanling hadn't prepared anything at all.

However, contrary to Emond, Wukong was not worried about Yun Xuanling at all, but looked at Yun Xuanling with a smile, and nodded slightly, as if he was very confident in Yun Xuanling.

Masters often decide the outcome with one move, and now Jianxinhun is preparing to determine the winner with one move. Of course, this move is also his strongest move. Originally, this move was his life-saving move at critical moments, but now he can't lose. Achievement makes him absolutely impossible to lose, so

He has to fight with all his might.

"Hoo hoo." "Hiss."

After more than a dozen breaths, the silver-white vortex stopped suddenly, and a shocking scene appeared. The vortex that stopped was countless small silver-white lightsabers, and there was a streak on the body of the silver-white lightsaber. Very tiny blue hair.

At this time, the world seemed to shrink like a Buddha, and it seemed very depressed. Even Emond, who was far away from the hut, felt a powerful sword intent attacking his whole body, so he took a step back unconsciously.

Suddenly the countless small lightsabers around Jianxinhun gathered into one body, and the countless blue filaments on it all converged on Jianxinhun in the middle, forming a blue sword shape, and at the same time Jianxinhun merged into the blue sword shape and disappeared.

I saw a silver-white giant sword tens of meters long, with a small cyan sword inlaid in the center of the giant sword. The sword intent emanating from the sword made the surrounding space a little unstable, as if it was about to collapse.

"You actually underestimated my heart sword's ultimate profound meaning, Destruction, boy, you will pay the price for your arrogance." After all, Jian Xinhun is using his strongest move now, but Yun Xuanling doesn't care, Let Jian Xinhun, an old man who has lived for nearly tens of millions of years,

Suddenly feel angry.

For a character like him, face is very important. Now that he used the strongest move to deal with Yun Xuanling, a junior, he already gave the other party a lot of face, but the other party looked down on him at all, how could he not be angry?
The silver-white giant sword suddenly disappeared the moment it was fully formed, and appeared one meter above Yun Xuanling the next moment.

With a loud "bang", the silver-white giant sword directly slashed across the afterimage left by Yun Xuanling and slashed towards the ground, causing a huge vortex to appear on the ground, and the surrounding things were instantly sucked into it and smashed into pieces.

"It's so fast." Jian Xin said in shock, "It seems that I still underestimated you, but if you think it's over just dodging like this, then you are not far from defeat."

"He actually avoided it?" Edmund said dully at this time.

I saw Yun Xuanling's transfigured seven-colored long sword was a hundred meters away on the right.

At the same time, the silver-white giant sword disappeared again, and the next moment it struck Yun Xuanling directly, this time obviously faster than last time.

(End of this chapter)

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