Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 229 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 229

"Compared with my speed, you are still far behind." Yun Xuanling, who was a hundred meters away above, said disdainfully.

"Really?" Apparently, what Jian Xinhun attacked for the second time was only the afterimage of Yun Xuanling.

But Jianxinhun seemed to have expected that Yunxuanling would be able to dodge his attack the second time, there were no previous accidents, and some were just confident.

In this way, Jian Xinhun attacked, Yun Xuanling dodged, and the two went back and forth in the air for a total of nine times, and each time the speed was faster than before.

"Are you just going to run away? Haha." Jian Xinhun suddenly stopped attacking and laughed at Yun Xuanling.

"I can only run away, what can you do with me? Haha, if you have the ability, you can catch up with me!" Yun Xuanling said with a grin, not being fooled by Jian Xinhun at all.

"You." Jian Xinhun said angrily, "Good boy, aren't you fast? I'll see how you hide this time, and the ultimate mystery of the Heart Sword - Destroyer is activated."

As soon as Jian Xinhun's words fell, I saw that the position Jian Xinhun attacked just now burst out nine blue beams of light, and each beam of light had a terrible aura of destruction.

However, what is frightening is not the destructive aura on the nine cyan beams of light. The most frightening thing is that a silver-white light curtain appears all around, enclosing Jian Xinhun, Yun Xuanling and the nine cyan beams of light, forming a Sealed space.At the same time Yunxuan

Ling felt that the cyan beam of light actually had a strong attraction.

Suddenly Yun Xuanling slammed directly into one of the blue beams of light, and Yun Xuanling quickly circulated the iridescent holy power to resist, but when Yun Xuanling resisted the attraction on this beam of light and retreated, the attraction on the back beam of light It immediately affected Yun Xuanling's body.

With a sound of "咻", Yun Xuanling quickly flew backwards towards the blue light beam behind him.

Just when Yun Xuanling was about to hit the cyan beam of light, the colorful long sword transformed by Yun Xuanling suddenly turned his head and shot out thousands of colorful rays of light straight to the cyan beam of light in front of him.

"Pfft." A big hole was pierced through the middle of the blue beam of light instantly, and Yun Xuanling took the opportunity to pass through the blue beam of light at top speed.

"Do you think you are the only one with a unique skill? This young master also has it, look at my speed light." Yun Xuanling suddenly turned into an aurora, crossed five blue beams of light, and directly hit Jian Xinhun's body.

"Bang." Only a sound was heard, and Jian Xinhun was not damaged at all, but Yun Xuanling was shuttled between the nine blue beams of light at a high speed. Because Yun Xuanling's speed was extremely fast at this time, it was almost ten times faster than before. The attraction on the beam of light has no effect on him at all

, it is invalid for Yun Xuanling.

"Bang bang bang." Yun Xuanling attacked Jian Xinhun dozens of times back and forth, but looking at Jian Xinhun again, he still didn't look damaged at all.

"Hahahaha, your speed is indeed very fast, but your attack power is still far behind, so you don't want to break through my defense in this state." Jian Xinhun laughed wildly.

"Really?" Yun Xuanling didn't care at all, and continued to attack violently.

In this way, due to Yun Xuanling's extremely fast speed, Jian Xinhun couldn't fight back at all, so he could only let Yun Xuanling attack again and again, but he was not afraid, he was very confident in his defense at this time, but he was also a little bit Worry, the other party can't do anything to me, but I

There is nothing they can do about each other, and the next thing they can do is compete with each other's celestial power.

(End of this chapter)

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