Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 230 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 230
The celestial power consumed by myself to launch this move is very strong, almost exhausting all my own celestial power, but the opponent's full-strength attacks must also consume a lot of energy, and then it depends on who has more energy.

Although Jianxinhun thinks that his energy is definitely stronger than Yunxuanling's, after all, it can be seen from the battle that Yunxuanling's cultivation base is lower than his own, but his speed is very abnormal.But he was actually on a tie with a junior who was not as good as him.

If it gets out, how can I save my face! ?
"Is it really necessary to activate that move?" Jian Xinhun was entangled in his heart, "No, it is a move of mutual death, and it must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary. It is more embarrassing to die with him than a tie, no."

After a cup of tea, Yun Xuanling had stopped attacking, but kept changing positions at a very fast speed to avoid the attraction of the nine blue beams of light.

"Damn, why is his speed so perverted? The attraction of the Qingling Pillar can't work on him at all, and I can't keep up with his speed. If this continues, it will only consume immortal power. Damn, his speed is too fast. Hurry up, I don't even have the chance to take the Guiling Pill to replenish my energy

No. "Jian Xinhun thought fiercely.

"His defense is so strong, my attack power can't break through his defense at all." Yun Xuanling was also a little distressed at this time.

"Oh, there is a way, hehe, let me see what moves you have this time." Yun Xuanling suddenly thought of a way.

I saw Yun Xuanling attacking Jian Xinhun again.

"It's useless, haha, you can just attack, this way your power will be consumed faster, and I will win when your lights are exhausted." Jian Xinhun sneered inwardly.

"No, if Yun Xuanling continues to attack like this, he will definitely run out of energy before Senior Jian Xinhun." Emond worried.

"Hehe." Wukong smiled inscrutablely.

"Brother Sun, why are you laughing? Is there any trick that Yun Xuanling hasn't used yet?" Edmond asked strangely.

"You will know if you observe carefully." Wukong smiled and said.

"Huh?" Edmund observed Yun Xuanling's attack carefully after hearing this, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Every time Yun Xuanling attacks, he attacks at the same position. In one position, Yun Xuanling can also break through the sword heart and soul front

senior defense. "

"No, no, Senior Jianxinhun is not a stone. He can flow the energy in his body to replenish the position that Yun Xuanling attacks every time, unless Yunxuanling can attack a certain part of Senior Jianxinhun's body hundreds of times or even in an instant. More times, otherwise Yunxuan Ling

Doing so is simply useless.But Yun Xuanling only attacked once each time, why is that? "Emond thought about it for a while.

Afterwards, Edmond watched the battlefield carefully again, hoping to see the clues.

"Strange, how come there is a colored dot at the position where Yun Xuanling attacks Senior Jianxinhun every time? Could it be?" Emond turned his head to look at Wukong in surprise.

Wukong nodded to him, indicating that his guess was correct.

"Sure enough, there is something wrong with that colored dot. I didn't expect Yunxuanling to be so powerful. It seems that Yunxuanling is more likely to win this time." Although Emond didn't know what the colored dot was for, he also knew that The colored dot must be Yunxuanling Pokaijianxin
The key to soul defense.

(End of this chapter)

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