Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 231 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 231 Life and Death (Part [-])
"Hmph, do you think you can break through my defense by attacking the same position? It's so naive. But it's strange, why does his attack this round seem to be much less powerful than before?" Jian Xinhun thought to himself road.

"Crack." "Bang."

Suddenly there was a crackling sound, and the silver-white giant sword on the outside of Jianxinhun burst open, leaving only the blue sword body inside.

"Not good." Jian Xinhun was suddenly shocked.

It's a pity that it was too late. At the same time, nine cyan beams of light exploded in unison. In an instant, the cyan sword body emitted countless cyan lights, and the entire confined space where the two were located was instantly filled with devastating cyan lights.

"Ahhh." Yun Xuanling cried out in pain as soon as he touched the blue light, and instantly returned to his human form.

Suddenly a black light and shadow crossed the sky, and the black shadow ignored the blocking of the silver-white light curtain, rushed directly into it, protected Yun Xuanling who had transformed back into a human form, and immediately rushed out of the confined space, all this happened very quickly , but the most surprising thing is that the black shadow wears back and forth

Shuttle silver-white light curtain, the silver-white light curtain was not destroyed.

The cyan light lasted for 10 minutes, and finally disappeared. At the same time, the silver-white light curtain also disappeared. At this time, Jian Xinhun turned back into a human form, and fell directly from the midair with a listless look.

"Bang." Jian Xinhun fell to the ground, immediately splashing countless dust.

"Help me take care of Xiaoling, and give him this." Wukong in black put Yunxuanling on the hut, stretched out his right hand, and said after turning out a pill and handing it to Edmond.

"Whew." Wukong came to Jianxinhun's side in a flash, and then squatted beside Jianxinhun, his right hand stretched forward, palm facing down, a black halo emerged, and black halos emerged continuously from Wukong's palm. out, and then into Jian Xinhun's body.

Time passed little by little.

"Hmm." Jian Xinhun was the first to wake up, making a murmur.

Then Jian Xinhun opened his eyes with difficulty, and the half squatting Wukong came into view.

"You, ahem, you, why, ahem, save me?" Jian Xinhun said with difficulty.

"No reason, just be quiet if you want to survive." Wukong said lightly.

After another period of time, Wukong stopped sending energy to Jian Xinhun and asked Jian Xinhun to take the elixir and meditate for self-cultivation. At this time, Yun Xuanling had recovered more than half, and his complexion was not as bad as before.

"Emond, the godhead you want is under that hut, go get it yourself, if you still want to follow me to the bottom, you should quickly refine it." Wukong suddenly turned and said to Edmond.

"Well, okay." Emond said happily, and he was not polite, and ran directly into the hut to look for the godhead.

After Emond found out the godhead and started refining, Wukong meditated on the spot and began to practice the first star disillusionment in the Nine Sticks of Mieshi in the sea of ​​consciousness.

More than half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and Edmond, Yun Xuanling and Jian Xinhun also woke up one after another.

Only Wukong didn't wake up, Yun Xuanling and Edmond consciously protected Wukong after waking up.

"Little brother, I want to ask you something, can I tell you?" Jian Xinhun asked Yun Xuanling after waking up, his tone obviously softened a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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