Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 232 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 232 Life and Death (Part [-])
"If you have anything to say, just say it." Yun Xuanling responded straightforwardly, if Wukong hadn't saved him, he would have died from the opponent's last destructive move, so Yun Xuanling was also very curious about Jian Xinhun's last move One trick, so Yun Xuanling also had questions to ask Jian Xinhun, so he agreed so simply.

"What I want to ask is, how did you break through my defense?" Jian Xinhun hadn't noticed the colored dots on his body before, and of course he didn't know why even if he saw them.

Just like Emond, although he knew that the colored dot was the key to Yun Xuanling breaking through the defense of Jianxinsoul, he still didn't know how Yunxuanling did it.Therefore, Edmond also looked at Yun Xuanling very curiously, waiting for Yun Xuanling's answer.

"I can tell you, but you have to tell me what happened to your last move first? You should have almost exhausted your strength, how can you still make such a powerful move? It almost killed me." Yun Xuanling asked back He said, Yun Xuanling was still a little undecided at this time, after all, he almost died.

"Okay, let me tell you first, in fact, that is the final form of my Heart Sword Ultimate Profound Truth, Annihilation. Originally, I didn't want to use that move, because it would burn my soul. It was accidentally activated by you, which caused me to almost lose my mind, but fortunately he saved my life." Jian Xinhun pointed to Wukong and said.

"I activated it?" Yun Xuanling asked doubtfully.

"That's right, I can activate this move by myself, but if the opponent is too strong and breaks through my defense in an instant, I won't be able to activate it in time. As long as the cyan sword body I transformed into is exposed outside, it will collide with the nine cyan beams of light. Resonance, automatically activate that move." Jian Xinhun didn't intend to hide it.

"So that's the case, then I will tell you how I broke through your defense. In fact, when I attacked your body, I left a rainbow point on it. As long as I hit the rainbow point every time, the rainbow point It can absorb most of the energy I hit, and in the end it will accumulate more and more. Another function of my rainbow point is to measure how much energy I have accumulated to break your defense at one time. Therefore, after I hit more than 100 times The rainbow dot erupted in one go, shattering your defense." Yun Xuanling explained.

"Phew." Jian Xinhun took a deep breath, "The perverted speed, coupled with such perverted moves, is really against the sky."

A few minutes later, Wukong also opened his eyes and stood up.

"Brother Sun, you're awake." Emond saw Wukong stand up and greeted him.

"Well, have you finished refining your godhead?" Wukong nodded and said.

"Yes, Brother Sun." Emond smiled happily.

"Well, let's go to the next floor." Wukong said.

"Are you going now?" Edmund asked.

"Well, that's right, since you have broken through, let's go to the third level now." Wukong said affirmatively.

"But I just made a breakthrough, and my current strength is only at the early stage of the Supreme God, and the lowest level of the next level is also the early stage of the Supreme God. If I go, you may be implicated." Emond hesitated.

"Huh? That's right. Well, you and Xiaoling stay on this floor, and I'll go down by myself." Wukong thought for a while.

"What? Brother Wukong, you won't take me?" Yun Xuanling suddenly yelled strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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