Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 233 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 233 Life and Death (Part [-])
"That's right, your current strength is only at the level of the Immortal Emperor, and it is very dangerous to go to the next level, so you should stay here, and it happens that you can also discuss moves with fellow swordsmen here. You are more helpful," Goku replied.

"Alright then." Yun Xuanling said disappointedly.

Then Wukong turned around and said to Jian Xinhun: "Friend Jian Dao, is it okay for Xiao Ling to compete with you here?"

"No problem, no problem. It's too late for me to be happy. I'm also very happy to discuss with Boy Yun again. I'm almost suffocated to death after staying here for so long." Jian Xinhun said happily with a smile on his face.

"However, having said that, you really don't want to kill me?" Jian Xinhun suddenly changed his voice and asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, I won't save you if I want to kill you." Wukong smiled and replied affirmatively.

"Hehe, that's true." Jian Xinhun also laughed.

"So, fellow swordsman, where is the passage on the next level?" Wukong asked Jianxinhun.

"The passage is under that stone table." Jian Xinhun pointed to the stone table and said.

"Yeah." After hearing this, Wukong came to the side of the stone table, waved his hand, and the stone table was immediately moved aside, revealing the passage below.

Then Wukong turned around and said to Yunxuanling and the others: "I'm leaving first, Xiaoling, take good care of yourself, everyone, take care, and see you later." After finishing speaking, Wukong jumped down the silver-white space passageway and disappeared.

"Don't worry, Brother Wukong, I will definitely break through in the shortest possible time, and I will go find you when the time comes." Yun Xuanling looked at the entrance of the passage and secretly made up his mind.

Five months passed quickly.

At this time, on a desert full of yellow sand, a young man in black just killed hundreds of huge sandmen made of sand and stones.

"There is the passage leading to the No.20 floor. The last floor is finally here. I wonder if anyone else has reached the last floor first?" The man in black is Wukong, who is in No.20 layer.Passing through the first few floors is not particularly smooth, after all
The lowest level of this class is the holy spirit level. Although they are just puppets, they are numerous, which makes up for the lack of wisdom.Going through the first few layers, it took Wukong a full five months.

'call out. Wukong turned into a black light and flew towards the passage leading to the first floor of No.20.

"Wait, Brother Wukong, I'll be right there." At the same time on the No.16 floor, Yun Xuanling thought to himself as he quickly shuttled through the mountains with strange rocks.

"Huh? This place is much larger than before, and it is actually divided into three different areas." Wukong couldn't help but sighed when he saw the scene in front of him.

Indeed, the space on the first floor of No.20 is much larger than that of the first [-] floors, and it is divided into three areas with different environments. On the left of Wukong is the snow-capped mountain with ice and snow, and directly in front is the thunder and lightning area. It is a relatively large lake and a
There is a small mountain, and there is a huge cave halfway up the mountain.

"Here, my consciousness can only spread ten meters, which way should I go?" Wukong thought to himself.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, there's another one who wants to die, this time I should let it go." Suddenly a rough voice interrupted Wukong's thinking.

Wukong immediately looked to the right when he heard the sound, because the sound came from the right.

(End of this chapter)

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