Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 234 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 234 Life and Death ([-])
On the right, there was a young man wearing a blue shirt flying slowly towards Wukong. This young man was about three meters tall, and his appearance was very burly and sturdy.

"Third brother, you can't kill the prey at once like before, you have to torture him slowly to death." A neutral voice sounded quietly.

"Second brother, I'm not as perverted as you, I still like to tear him in half and let his blood spill on my body, that kind of feeling will be wonderful, and that will stimulate my madness, haha. "The young man said something creepy.

"Boring." The neutral voice complained and stopped talking. The neutral voice obviously came from the snow mountain on the left.

The young man soon came to a position 20 meters away from Wukong. Just like that, the young man hung in mid-air, looked down at Wukong, and looked at Wukong.

Of course, Wukong is also looking at the young man, and Wukong can feel that the opponent's strength is definitely not inferior to his own.

"The guardians of this layer are also intelligent, not puppets. The guardians of the first six layers are all puppets. It seems that the guardians of the last layer of each stage are intelligent and powerful people who came in from the outside world. It seems that there are three guardians this time, and this one called the third younger brother is no worse than me, and it seems that the two who did not show up are by no means weaker than me, it will be a fierce battle." Wukong thought to himself.

"Little man, I am Baron Beamon, a warrior of the great Beamon clan. You should be honored to have died under my command today, haha." The young man named Baron Beamon suddenly said arrogantly laughed.

Wukong frowned slightly, then raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a sneer: "You are too confident."

"Little man, how dare you laugh at me, let me see if I don't tear you to pieces." Beamon shouted angrily when he saw Wukong scorning him.

"Then come on, don't just talk about it." Wukong continued to sarcastically.

"Brat, take your life." Barron roared angrily and rushed towards Wukong.

'Bang bang bang. 'The two collided and fought dozens of moves like lightning, and then separated, each retreating back more than ten meters.Then he stood on the ground and looked at the other party.

"I didn't expect his strength to be so amazing, we can't underestimate him." Barron said inwardly in surprise.

"Hey, I didn't expect his physical strength to be so strong, which is exactly what I want." Wukong was full of enthusiasm and fighting spirit.

"Let's do it again." After Wukong said loudly, he quickly rushed towards the opposite Barron. At the same time, Barron also struggled to swing his right fist with a dazzling purple light at the speedy Wukong.

"Bang bang bang." The two of them competed in pure strength in the air, and the sound of fist clashing clearly spread to every corner of the No.20 floor.

"It seems that the role this time is really not easy. To be able to compete with the third brother in physical strength to such an extent, the third brother is about to hit a wall." In the depths of the lightning zone, a middle-aged man with electric wires lingering all over his body secretly said. Said.

"Bang." After the two fisted each other for the last time, they flew backwards in opposite directions.

Wukong stopped after flying upside down for more than a dozen meters, but Barron stopped flying upside down abruptly after flying upside down for more than 100 meters. At the same time, it was obvious that a trace of purple blood flowed from the corner of Baron's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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