Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 235 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 235
Barron raised his right hand to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then opened his mouth in Wukong's direction and said, "It seems that I really underestimated you. I didn't expect your body to be so strong. Look at your appearance. , you should be a cultivator, it’s not too embarrassing for me to lose to you physically, then, next, I have to get serious.”

In the holy world, people from magical civilization, technological civilization, and biological civilization all call people of cultivation civilization as Taoists, and they also recognize one thing in common, that is, ascetics have very strong physical strength and spells, so people who use physical power vertically and horizontally Baron of the Beamon clan didn't think it was shameful to lose to Wukong in terms of physical strength.

"You are so strong, you can actually push me to this point. The warm-up exercise just now is over, and it's time to start the real battle, ahhhh."

Along with Barron's roar, strange changes began to take place in Barron's body. Barron's body swelled rapidly, and his height also increased rapidly.

Soon Barron grew into a giant ten-meter-tall man. Every muscle in Barron's body was also expanding, and each muscle seemed to contain extremely powerful energy. After a while, Barron's transformation was finally completed.

At this time, Barron is completely different from before. Not only has his body size increased, but his strength has also increased significantly. There is only a purple halo around Barron, which is very dazzling.

At the same time, an eight-meter-long black giant ax appeared in Barron's right hand. In contrast, the black giant ax seemed to be just an ordinary giant ax without a trace of light, dark and lifeless. And the blade is thick.

"The strength has improved a lot, hehe, interesting, interesting. And his giant axe, it's not easy." Wukong smiled after seeing Barron's change.

"Small man, your physical strength is indeed very strong. I think that among ascetics of the same level, your physical strength should be relatively strong. Although it is said that ascetics have strong physical strength and magic power, But I have seen a few ascetics at the Holy Spirit level, and their physical strength is not as good as mine. I also learned from them that the ascetics are divided into art practitioners, sword practitioners and martial arts practitioners. Cultivators have the strongest physical strength, but martial practitioners are also the rarest, I think you should be at least one of the sword cultivators." Baron looked down and said to Wukong.

"Little man, can you tell me your name now? It's just that you know my name, but I don't know yours. It's not fair at all." Barron said dissatisfiedly.

"It seems that you haven't asked me, remember, my name is Sun Wukong." Wukong said helplessly.

"Oh, is it? I forgot, hehe." Barron's smile at this time was really not ordinary ugly.

Immediately, Barron stopped laughing awkwardly, and said with a serious face: "Next, let me experience your true strength, Monkey King. I don't think you should have done your best."

"Then we have to see if you have that ability." Wukong said with a light smile.

"Ah, damn it, you actually underestimate me and watch your tricks." After speaking, Barron struck Wukong with an axe.

This ax is as fast as lightning, and its power is astonishing. A long and huge crack is directly drawn in the space the ax passes through.

(End of this chapter)

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