Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 236 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 236
"Clang." There was a sudden sound of metal clashing, and Wukong swung the black-painted Primordial Destruction Stick upwards, and immediately bounced Barron's giant ax back.

"Come again." Barron swung his giant ax again and slashed at Wukong. This time the attack was obviously more powerful than the last one.

I saw Wukong leaping forward vigorously, spinning the Hongmeng World Destroyer Stick with his right hand. When Barron's ax came down, Wukong dodged Barron's ax in an instant, jumped over the ax, and swung the Hongmeng World Destroyer Stick directly at Barron's. Head hit.

It was too late to say it, but Barron's giant ax suddenly shot out countless purple filaments, quickly entangled with Wukong and the Hongmeng World Extinguishing Stick.

Wukong was also on guard against Barron's back move, so he directly spun the Primordial World Extermination Stick and threw it behind him, while he continued to swing his fist at Barron's head.

At the same time, Barron was not slow. He saw that Barron swung his left hand sideways at Wukong, trying to stop Wukong from advancing. All this happened very quickly, less than one ten-thousandth of a second.

Baron is fast and Goku is faster than him.

With a loud "bang", Wukong's fist hit Barron's huge head firmly.

At the same time, Wukong's Primordial World Extinguishing Stick shattered the filaments emitted by the giant axe, and those filaments couldn't get close to the Primordial World Extinguishing Stick at all.

"Bang bang bang." Wukong hit Barron's head hundreds of times in succession.

I saw Barron's 'thumping' backwards, and Wukong immediately turned back a few somersaults after hitting Barron more than a hundred times. After pulling away from Barron, he immediately retracted the Primordial World Destruction Stick, Holding the Primordial World Extinguishing Stick on his right shoulder with one hand, he said arrogantly: "

You alone are not my opponent, let your other two brothers come out and fight me together. "

At this time, Baron was dizzy from being beaten by Wukong, and it took a while to wake up. Then Barron shook his head vigorously, and said in disbelief: "You can easily dissolve my 'Sky Axe', how can this be?" Possible? Impossible, absolutely impossible." At this time
Barron stared at Wukong with wide eyes, dumbfounded.

"Sun Wukong, right? You are really arrogant, but I like it, haha." At this moment, a middle-aged man with a height of two meters and five in blue flew out from the center, and he was surrounded by a circle of golden yellow. The electric wire crackled and crackled non-stop.

"That stick of yours is quite special, it can easily dispel the third younger brother's 'Sky Axe'. It's really a treasure. I want to order this stick. Brother, third brother, you are not allowed to snatch it from me, haha." Appeared on the left A mysterious man shrouded in white mist

"Hehe, if you want the stick in my hand, let's see if you have that kind of ability." Wukong held the Hongmeng World Extinguishing Stick with one hand and said with a smile after dancing a stick flower.

"Haha, then you just wait to die." The person hiding in the white mist laughed wildly, and then saw the white mist moving towards Wukong quickly.

Wukong saw the white mist flying towards him, and immediately put on a fighting state.

"Wait, second brother." Suddenly, a voice stopped Bai Wu from moving.

"What's the matter? Brother." The man in the white mist asked the man in blue suspiciously.

"You are not his opponent. Don't act rashly. Since he asked us to go up together, then we will kill him together. After killing him, the stick will belong to you." The man in blue said.

(End of this chapter)

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