Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 237 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 237
"Brother, I'm from the noble Amethyst Beamon lineage of the noble Beamon clan. The second brother is also a member of the relatively rare Ice Soul Wolf clan, and the eldest brother is from the Thunder Dragon lineage of the proud dragon clan. Let us I can't do this kind of thing with three people working together to deal with him alone. And if in the future
Spread the word, how can we hang around in the holy world after we leave this ghostly place and return to the holy world. "Barron reacted and said loudly.

"That's right, brother, let me deal with him alone. Those who come to participate in the third level of the Holy Tomb are all at the level of the Supreme God. The three of us are at the peak level of the Supreme God. The level of the holy spirit level is stronger than our magic

Civilizations of the same level are powerful, but that is only stronger than ordinary human cultivators of the supreme god level. Don't forget that we are the children of the noble dragon clan, ice wolf clan, and Bimon clan. Those human practitioners are only strong

not weak. "The person in the white mist said excitedly.

"Yeah, big brother, let me fight him again. I was careless just now." Barron said immediately.

"Wait, you said you were a thunder dragon?" Wukong interrupted suddenly.

"That's right, I'm Booth Norway, a brontosaurus member of the noble Dragon Clan." The man in blue was very proud of being a member of the Dragon Clan.

"Then do you know a brontosaur named Dana Norway?" Wukong asked.

"What? Little Dana, he is my son, you know my son, how is he now?" Buzz Norway said excitedly.

"Daina Norway is now my subordinate, and he is doing well now." Wukong replied.

"What? Little Dana actually became your subordinate, said, did you force it?" Before Boots Norway could speak, Barron became furious.

"Being my subordinate is voluntary." Wukong said flatly, not being influenced by Baron at all.

"I don't care if he is voluntary or not, you must die today." After finishing speaking, Boots Norway raised his fist and punched Wukong.

Buzz Norway's right hand is wrapped with a large amount of electric current, which is amazingly powerful, and Buzz Norway's speed is also amazing. A golden light and shadow cut through the sky and came to Wukong in an instant.

Wukong quickly activated the World-Destroying Saint Power, and swung his left fist to meet him. With a loud 'bang', Buzz Norway's fist collided firmly with Wukong's left fist.

With a sound of "咻", Wukong flew backwards for a hundred meters before stopping.

"It's such a domineering fist, and the power of thunder and lightning is also amazing." Wukong clenched the Hongmeng World Destroyer cudgel tightly, staring at Boots Norway and thought to himself.

The battle situation couldn't allow Wukong to think too much, Boots Norway's attack followed closely, and a huge electric ball with a diameter of about three meters was formed in Boots Norway's right hand.

When Buzz Norway was less than ten meters away from Wukong, he suddenly threw the huge electric ball in his hand towards Wukong.

It was too late and then too soon, Wukong quickly swung the Primordial World Extinguishing Stick in his hand, and swept to the left like this.

No sound of collision was heard, only the Hongmeng World Destroyer stick was embedded in the huge electric ball as if in a swamp, and the huge electric current was quickly guided along the Hongmeng World Destroyer stick to Wukong's hands.

At this moment, a black energy was directed from Wukong's hands into the Hongmeng World Destroying Stick.

(End of this chapter)

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