Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 238 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 238 Life and Death ([-])
"Zizi." The two energies collided in the center of the Primordial World Extinguishing Stick like this, creating amazing sparks.

As soon as the two energies came into contact, the black energy overwhelmed the current with incomparable power. In an instant, the black energy forced the current out of the stick, and at the same time, the huge electric ball disappeared as soon as it touched the black energy.

"Bang." Just as Wukong wiped out the huge electric ball, he was suddenly punched hard in the waist by Buzz Norway from the right side.

'call out. 'Wukong suddenly flew to the lower right like a shooting star.

"Bang." "Chi Chi Chi."

After Wukong touched the ground, he drew a 20-meter-long pit on the ground before stopping.

"You're nothing more than that." Buzz Norway said indifferently as he stood in the air and looked down at Wukong lying in the long pit.

"Really?" Wukong stood up slowly, with his right hand holding the Primordial World Extinguishing Stick on his right shoulder, stretching his muscles and bones a little. At this time, Wukong's clothes were a little damaged, and a trace of golden blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. , although his appearance is a bit ugly, but the unique temperament exuded from him cannot be annihilated.

Suddenly, a large number of black flames appeared on Wukong's body surface, and the whole Wukong was wrapped in a mass of black flames, and then Wukong rose slowly, only the sound of 'crackling' could be heard in the air around Wukong.

"Let's do it again," Goku said to Boots Norway.

"Okay." Buzz Norway didn't talk nonsense, and flew straight towards Wukong with a 'swoosh' like lightning, and at the same time a huge electric ball appeared in each of Buzz Norway's hands.

Looking at Wukong again, I saw that Wukong was very calm, staring at Boots Norway who was coming towards him at a high speed, trying to find a flaw and win with one move.

When Buzz Norway was less than 20 meters away from Wukong, Buzz Norway suddenly threw the huge electric balls in his hands at Wukong.

At this moment, Wukong's eyes tightened suddenly, and he fixedly stared at Boots Norway behind the electric ball.At the same time, he swung his Hongmeng World Exterminating Stick and rushed towards Boots Norway.

"Yuyu clarifies the great sage stick technique." Wukong shouted in his heart.

I saw the flames around Wukong suddenly detached from Wukong's body, and directly hit the two huge electric balls, and at the same time, a large amount of black energy gathered towards the Hongmeng World Extinguishing Stick.

"Chi Chi Chi." As soon as the two huge electric balls came into contact with the black flames, they were instantly turned into nothingness, and the black flames that did not disappear directly rushed towards Buzz Norway, and suddenly a black flame appeared in front of Buzz Norway. After blocking the wall half a meter away, the black flame was suddenly blocked by the wall.

But the matter was not over yet, and Wukong, who was behind the black flame, raised the Primordial World Extermination Stick and slammed it down towards the wall, and a huge stick-shaped phantom appeared in front of the wall in an instant.

"Bang, bang." The wall was instantly shattered by the huge stick figure, and of course Boots Norway behind the wall would not be spared.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened, Buzz Norway suddenly disappeared, and the huge stick shadow firmly hit the huge body of a huge silver-white lizard with wings.

In this way, the giant lizard was smashed down by Wukong.

"Bang." "Boom." A large amount of dust suddenly rose from the ground, and after the dust dispersed, a huge silver-white hair appeared in a huge pit.

(End of this chapter)

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