Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 239 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 239 Life and Death ([-])

"Ho Ho Ho." A sound of dragon moans came from the direction of the giant lizard's head.

"Boom." The soil around the giant lizard's head began to crack.

With a loud "bang", the inside of the huge pit suddenly exploded, a large number of stone chips flew into the sky, and then a large number of stones fell to the ground.

At the same time, a huge ball of electricity appeared from the huge pit. Looking at the ball from the outside, one could see the huge lizard just now in it.

"Second brother, third brother, shoot." A sentence came from the mouth of the giant lizard, and it was obvious that this huge lizard was the thunder dragon Buzz Norway.

"But, brother, we." Barron wanted to say something more.

But he was interrupted by the people in the white mist, "Third brother, what are you talking about at this time, don't forget that our opponent is a powerful ascetic. There will be no talk, not to mention that there is no one else now."

"However, I always feel that it's a little unfair for the three of us to deal with him alone." Barron muttered inwardly.

But Barron said, "Okay, I'll take the shot."

As soon as the conversation between the two was over, they quickly joined the battlefield, and saw that the person in the white mist had appeared at this time, and changed his appearance in an instant, turning into a snow-white giant about seven meters long and four meters high. Wolf.

At this time, the three brothers Buzz and Norway formed a triangle and surrounded Wukong.

"It's just getting bigger, and I will too." Wukong said with a smile, and then his body began to expand, growing into an eight-meter-high giant in an instant.

"Roar." "Ow." "Ah." The three brothers Buzz and Norway roared in unison, and then three different huge energies rushed towards Wukong in the center from three directions at a very fast speed.

"The stars of the nine sticks are disillusioned." At this moment, Wukong spun the Hongmeng Shishi stick and shouted loudly.

Suddenly the sky and the earth changed color, and the whole space was in a world full of stars.

"Bang bang bang." A large number of stars appeared around Wukong to block the attacks of the three brothers Buzz and Norway.

Although the powerful attacks of the three brothers were blocked by the stars, those stars were all destroyed, and the number of stars did not increase because of the disappearance of those stars.

As the three brothers Buzz and Norway attacked again several times, the stars also blocked Wukong a few times, and the number of stars gradually decreased, from the initial 93 to [-].

"Big Brother, Second Brother, these stars always block our attacks for him without warning. If this continues, our divine power will be exhausted, and we will be fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered." Lun anxiously sent a voice transmission to Boots Norway and the giant wolf.

"Third brother, try to launch three attacks on Sun Wukong with only one level of power." Buzz Norway said via voice transmission.

"Brother, why?" Barron echoed.

"Don't ask so many questions, just do as I say, hurry up." Buzz Norway said seriously.

"Okay, big brother." Barron didn't ask any more questions, just like this, he randomly slashed three axes at Wukong, and saw three rays of light flying towards Wukong at a high speed.

"Bang, bang, bang." But on the way, it was blocked by the moving stars.

"Haha, so that's the case, now I don't think you're dead." Buzz Norway said ecstatically,

(End of this chapter)

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