Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 240 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 240 Life and Death ([-])

Then he sent a voice transmission to the two of Barron, "Second brother, third brother, launch a series of attacks on me, and it only takes less than one level of strength."

"Understood." "Okay." Baron and the two replied understandingly.

"Bang bang bang." Explosions sounded in the air, and the number of stars in the space gradually decreased.

"It was discovered by you, damn it, now my star disillusionment has not achieved great success, and I can't exert its power at all, and there are still many loopholes. I didn't expect that their strength and speed will increase greatly after transformation, and I can't fight back at all, and these star roots

This is out of my control, as long as there is energy approaching me, they will block it, regardless of the strength of those energies.What's even more exasperating is that these stars are actually suicidal blocks, they will self-destruct to block their attacks every time, otherwise they won't be taken advantage of by them

son. "Wukong thought to himself.

"Boss, let me do it." Mieshi's voice suddenly sounded in Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness.

"No, you should cultivate well and strive to restore your strength as soon as possible. Unless it is absolutely necessary, you are not allowed to make a move." Wukong ordered.

"Okay, then boss, be careful." Mie Shi said with concern.

"En." Wukong responded and continued to think about countermeasures.

"Okay, I'll take a gamble." Wukong suddenly made up his mind, and then he saw Wukong hanging in the air, holding the Hongmeng World Extinguishing Stick in his hand horizontally in front of his chest, also hanging in the air, and then Wukong's eyes were closed tightly, his whole body A faint black halo was emitted.

At this time, Wukong's primordial spirit is in a world that is also full of stars. The difference is that there are 360 ​​five stars in this star world, and each star is much larger in size and brighter in light.

"360 five stars, I can only cast half of the stars, and they are not under my control at all. Using this move, I just increased my defense. If the strength is comparable to mine, I can still deal with it, but the three of them at this time Not weaker than me

, and they cooperate very well, I have no way to start, and it will be very bad for me to procrastinate like this. "Wukong thought while looking at the stars moving in front of him.

Time is very tight, and Wukong is also carefully observing the laws of the stars.

"We need to find a breakthrough point in the fluctuation law of ninety-nine return to one." Wukong thought to himself.

"Ninety-nine into one, ninety-nine into one, that's right, ninety-nine into one, nine kinds of fluctuations belong to one kind of fluctuation, one kind of fluctuation, nine kinds of fluctuations, regardless of each other, one is nine, and nine is one." Wukong suddenly realized.

At the same time, in the outside world, there are only two stars left in the star disillusionment cast by Wukong, and Wukong's eyes are still closed tightly, and there is no movement.

"Haha, Sun Wukong, give me your life." Barron yelled and swung three axes at Wukong. Suddenly, three beams of light shot out at an extremely fast speed. Although it is slow, it is much more powerful.

"Bang, bang." After two loud bangs, all the stars disappeared. At this time, Barron's third attack suddenly accelerated and flew towards Wukong without warning.

At this moment, Buzz Norway's super-large electric ball and a small ice cone containing very powerful energy from the snow-white giant wolf flew towards Wukong at the same time. Even if Wukong wanted to dodge at this time, there was no time to dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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