Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 241 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 241 Life and Death ([-])

Because the attack of the three was very fast, there was no time to blink, and the attack of the three arrived in front of Wukong, not to mention that Wukong's eyes were still tightly closed at this time, and he did not respond.

"Bang." "Boom." "Boom."

The three of them used almost all their strength in this move, and the power was astonishing. A series of air explosions were heard continuously, and even the space around Wukong became very unstable, distorted and chaotic, and a large amount of chaotic airflow flowed from the cracked space. Running out of the middle, the whole scene was very chaotic, and Wukong's situation could not be seen at all.

"Don't let his stick-shaped baby fall into the space crack." The snow-white giant wolf said nervously.

"Haha, second brother, I don't think you should put your hopes up. The three of us hit with all our strength, and the crack in the space caused by the three of us will definitely not be small. Now that the space is so chaotic, the stick will probably be sucked." Into the turbulent flow of space." Barron said loudly.

"Oh, what a pity." The giant snow white wolf sighed.

"It should be a pity, but the difference is that I am pity that you are going to lose." Just when everyone thought that Wukong must die, Wukong's voice came from the chaotic space.

"What?" "How is it possible? He didn't die." "What's going on?" The three brothers Buzz Norway looked at the chaotic space in amazement.

At this moment, time seemed to pass very slowly, as if standing still, the three brothers Buzz and Norway stared closely at the chaotic space.

Slowly, hundreds of millions of brilliant golden brilliance burst out from the chaotic space, the split space healed at an extremely fast speed, and the turbulent flow of the space gradually disappeared. Hundreds of millions of brilliance illuminated the entire No.20 On the first floor, the three brothers Buzz and Norway couldn't open their eyes under the strong light. When the three of them opened their eyes, the scene in front of them changed completely.

At this time, the entire space has returned to the space of stars, the vast cosmic space of stars, the simple and mysterious atmosphere rushing towards us, 360 five dazzling stars are looming in every position of the space very regularly, and Wukong is at the previous position at this time, holding Holding the Primordial Destruction Stick tightly, he looked at the three brothers Buzz and Norway with very sharp eyes.

"This move again, although I don't know how you blocked the joint attack of our three brothers, but your move is useless to us, don't waste time, fight us head-on if you have the ability." Barron shouted loudly .

"Really? Then you can break through my trick and show me." Wukong said with a faint smile.

"Okay, look at me." Barron was about to swing the giant ax in his hand after speaking.

"Third brother, don't be reckless." Buzz Norway felt that the star space this time was obviously different from the last time, giving him a feeling of invincibility.

It's a pity that Boots Norway was too late. Barron had already swung dozens of axes, each of which had very little power.

Surprisingly, those stars didn't stop them this time, but Baron's attack was suddenly forcibly absorbed by the attraction of the nearby stars, and then turned into a towering giant stick and smashed at Barron, and Barron immediately lifted it up. The giant ax tried to resist.

With a loud "bang", Barron was slammed to the ground by this devastating stick.

And there were several sounds of bones breaking from Barron's body.

"Third brother." Buzz Norway and the giant snow white wolf shouted in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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