Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 242 Life and Death 1 Line

Chapter 242

"Sun Wukong, take my life, oh." Then the giant snow white wolf roared, and then rushed towards Wukong like lightning.

Wukong waved the Grandmist Mieshishi stick in his hand very calmly, and the movement was very slow. When Wukong swept the Hongmeng Shishijieshi across his chest, a black light shot out with a 'swoosh'.

Those stars did not stop the giant wolf, allowing the giant wolf to rush towards Wukong, but when the giant wolf rushed to half the distance, the black light that was faster than the speed of light hit the giant wolf's waist fiercely.

"Bang." The voice was very loud.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow." howled the giant wolf and fell to the ground.

"Second brother." Buz Norway shouted, all this happened so fast, before Buz Norway had time to react, his second and third brothers were seriously injured on the ground.

"Now you are the only one left, use your strongest move to attack me." Wukong challenged Boots Norway lazily.

"Sun Wukong, you are very powerful, I admit this, but I will never lose easily." Buzz Norway felt a little relieved when he saw that his two brothers were not in danger, and then said solemnly to Wukong.

"Then you make a move." Wukong said.

Butz Norway didn't talk nonsense any more, and saw Boots Norway, who had transformed into a giant dragon, open his mouth, and a small ball of electricity gradually formed in Boots Norway's mouth, and then the ball gradually became larger. When the ball covered the entire dragon's mouth, Thunder Dragon Boots Norway let out a dragon roar.

"Ho Ho Ho." An electric column with a diameter of two meters burst out from the dragon's mouth at an extremely fast speed.The electric column cut through the space and attacked Wukong directly.

But just when the electric column was about to attack Wukong, suddenly 360 five stars merged into one, converging on Wukong's primordial world destroying stick at an incredible speed.

"The stars are disillusioned." Wukong roared, and he swung the Hongmeng Shishijie stick, and an unbelievably powerful force emanated from the Hongmeng Shishijie stick.

The powerful force emanating from the Primordial World Extinguishing Stick turned into a huge black long stick, as if it were a solid body. As soon as the huge black stick was pressed down, Leilongbuz Norway suddenly felt a strong pressure attacking his whole body.

Afterwards, Thunder Dragon Boots Norway felt unable to move his whole body. Of course, the electric column in his mouth could not continue to emit, and his follow-up was weak, and the coercion emitted by the black long stick in front disappeared instantly.

Thunder Dragon Boots Norway suddenly felt hopeless, closed his eyes, and waited for the god of death to come.

But after a while, Thunder Dragon Boots Norway suddenly felt his body lighten, and he actually fell down.

"Is this what it feels like to die?" Thunder Dragon Boots Norway thought to himself, and then opened his eyes. Suddenly, Thunder Dragon Boots Norway stared at the scene in front of him incredulously with two huge dragon eyes.

What came into view was Wukong carrying a black lacquered stick with one hand. The terrifying black stick just now had disappeared, and because he didn't use any power, his body was falling straight down quickly.

Thunder Dragon Boots Norway suddenly came to his senses, activated the divine power in his body, stopped his falling body, and finally stopped at a distance of less than three meters from the ground.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Thunder Dragon Boots Norway asked Wukong as he recovered.

"Because your son is my subordinate." Wukong answered Thunder Dragon Boots Norway's question very simply.

(End of this chapter)

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