Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 243 Hunting the Storm

Chapter 243 Hunting the Storm ([-])

"Thank you. I also apologize to Your Excellency for my previous recklessness. I also shot out in anger because I couldn't tolerate my son becoming your subordinate. I am very sorry." Lei Longbooz Norway thanked and apologized.

"Hehe, it's okay, even if it wasn't for that reason, you would still attack me, because you are the guardians of this floor." Wukong smiled and said, not paying attention at all.

"In short, thank you." Thunder Dragon Boots Norway thanked again, and then flew down to rescue his two brothers.

"Brother Wukong, I'm here." At this moment, Yun Xuanling's voice came from the entrance.

Wukong passed through after hearing the voice, "Xiaoling, you have broken through again, hehe, not bad."

"Brother Wukong, I'm late!?" Yun Xuanling yelled strangely after seeing the three injured Buzz and Norway brothers.

"Hehe." Wukong smiled helplessly.

In this way, in the following days, Wukong and Yunxuanling fought with the three brothers Buzz and Norway on the No.20 floor to pass the time, the most important thing is to increase the combat experience.Of course, during this period of time, the three Buzz Norway brothers also asked Wukong a lot about

The matter of Buzz Norway's son, and the fact that the creation godhead at this level was accepted by Wukong.

The three Buzz Norway brothers also made an appointment with Wukong to find Wukong and follow Wukong after they left. The reason why they decided to follow Wukong was not because Buzz Norway’s son is now Wukong’s subordinate, but Wukong’s strength subdue them
Willing to follow Wukong.

At this moment, in a small tribe in the death plain of the source world, the leader of the tribe was distributing the newly obtained spoils.

"Chengze, this acquired treasure belongs to you." The tribal leader said to a young man in gray.

In the source world, the levels of magic weapons are divided into mysterious weapons (divided into five small levels, from one-star mysterious weapons to five-star mysterious weapons. The magic weapons used by ascetics below the quasi-sage level in the source world are basically mysterious weapons, and only a few use them. Higher-level magic weapon), acquired spirit treasure, acquired treasure, congenital
Lingbao, Xiantian Supreme Treasure, Chaos Lingbao, Chaos Supreme Treasure, Primordial Spiritual Treasure, Primal Primal Treasure.

Of course, these are just the grades of magic weapons known to 90.00% of the people in the source world. In fact, there are more than a dozen magic weapons that transcend the primordial treasures, that is, the natal magic weapons of the four supreme beings.

"Thank you, Brother Xuan Xi." The young man named Cheng Ze thanked the leader after taking the treasure. It turns out that this tribe is the tribe where Wu Kong and Zixia are currently, and the leader is naturally Xuan Xi. The leader, the real leader is Goku.

"Well, now that the distribution of the spoils is over, everyone should go back to their posts, and let everyone know if there is any situation," Xuan Xi ordered.

"Yes." Everyone replied in unison, and then spread out to every corner of the tribe to be on guard.

"Brother Xuan Xi." At this moment, a voice like heaven suddenly sounded from Xuan Xi's left.

"Great Sage, Zixia, have you left the customs so early?" Xuan Xi turned around and greeted the people who came.

"Yeah." Wukong nodded slightly.

"Well, it's like this. I have encountered a bottleneck in my cultivation now, and Wukong said that during this period of time, there are frequent hunters and killers. It's just time for me to come out and take this opportunity to experience it. Maybe I can break through the bottleneck and kill him in one fell swoop. Evil corpse." Zixia said with a smile on her face

(End of this chapter)

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