Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 244 Hunting the Storm

Chapter 244 Hunting the Storm ([-])

"Yeah, so that's the case, hehe, then I wish you a breakthrough soon." Xuan Xi laughed.

"Hee hee, thank you, I will work hard." Zixia smiled sweetly.

"Great Sage, you can go to practice at ease, Zixia's safety will be entrusted to me, in a small tribe like ours, hunters will basically not come to the strong." Xuan Xi doesn't think that Wukong is also out to practice Yes, it must be to protect Zixia's safety, so I recommend myself.

"Hehe, no need, I won't practice for the time being. By the way, fellow Taoist Xuanxi, here are ten pills, and you can send them to the ten people who have made the most progress during this period of retreat." Wukong spread his right hand and transformed Out of ten glittering elixir said.

"Okay, Great Sage, then I won't disturb the Great Sage and Miss Zixia, I'll go and distribute the pills to them." Xuan Xi said politely, then took the pills and left.

After Xuanxi left, Wukong and Zixia walked outside the tribe.

The whole tribe is not very big, covering an area of ​​more than 3000 square meters.There are a total of 35 stone houses, with a total of 39 people. Zixia is trained under the guidance of Wukong, so she shares a stone house with Wukong, and there are three pairs of double cultivation.

In the plain of death, most of the small tribes with dozens of people have no masters, so they have become the first choice for low-level hunters.Like a tribe composed of dozens of people, there are very few people who have reached the level of quasi-sage or above, and their strength is generally not very high.

Of course, there are very few exceptions. For example, in the tribe where Wukong is now, there are currently 16 people at the quasi-sage level and two at the saint level.

"See the Great Sage." A man in yellow greeted Wukong with great respect.

"See the Great Sage, see the Great Sage." One person greeted, and the people nearby also came up to say hello immediately. After all, Wukong is now their nominal leader and their savior.

"Well, you can go about your own business, you don't have to be so restrained." Wukong didn't like those etiquettes, and of course he didn't want his subordinates to be too rigid.

"Yes." Although everyone answered in this way, it can be seen from the performance of everyone that they are still very cautious, and they can't change it for a while.

Wukong also knew that it was impossible for them to treat him as a friend for a while. After all, in this world where the strong are respected, he would definitely be awed by them, so Wukong greeted Zixia and led Zixia Continue to walk outside.

"Wukong, what did you say if you were forced to leave the plain of death when you attained the Great Dao in the future? I would definitely be far away from the Dao at that time." Zixia opened her star-like eyes to Wukong. asked.

"Huh? Don't worry about this. Even if my first body is forced to leave the death plain, my good fortune holy body will definitely stay with you. My good fortune holy body is not as strong as yours now. The most important thing is It’s just that you have to practice hard now, and don’t be overtaken by my Holy Physique.” Wukong smiled and said, Zixia already knew that Wukong had the Holy Physique.

"Hmph, I won't be overtaken so easily by your Holy Physique. Don't underestimate me. My aptitude is no worse than yours. Before, I just wanted too much." Zixia said this At that time, he suddenly became a little awkward, and his face was a little red.

"In short, I will definitely not hold you back." Then Zixia puffed up her chest and said boldly.

(End of this chapter)

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