Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 245 Hunting the Storm

Chapter 245 Hunting the Storm ([-])

After Zixia finished speaking, she ran away shyly. Wukong was taken aback by Zixia's series of actions. It took him a while to react, then he shook his head and smiled wryly, then followed .

After walking for a while, the two stopped 1000 meters away from the tribe.

"Wukong, let's chat here." Zixia turned around and said to Wukong behind her.

"Well, okay." After finishing speaking, Wukong casually lay down on the grass, then stretched his waist, took a deep breath, "the aura of any place in this universe is stronger than the aura of my Huaguo Mountain Hundreds of times, it really deserves to be called the highest-level universe.”

Zixia also sat down slowly, "Yes, here, my cultivation speed is much faster than before. Three years ago, I just beheaded a dead body to prove the quasi-sage status. Unexpectedly, it took only three short years. I encountered a bottleneck in the first year, and I was only one step away from beheading the two corpses."

"Zixia, before you left the Great Desolate Universe, did any major events happen in the Great Desolate Universe?" Before that, Wukong mainly guided Zixia to practice and told him some things about himself, and did not ask her much about the Great Desolate Universe.

"A major event? It seems that no major event happened, right? What about major events, sister, Nezha, Brother Niu, and Sister Iron Fan, does it count if they have certified the quasi-sage status?" Zixia tilted her head and thought.

"Think about it carefully, is there anything unusual happening in Tianting and Lingshan?" Wukong continued to ask.

"Huh?" Zixia pondered for a while, and then said: "There is nothing unusual happening in Tianting and Lingshan, but there is some movement in the Demon Realm. It's just a little fuss, nothing
What a big move. "

"It seems that Luo Hu wants to attack the two clans of liches, but it's been so long, why is it just a small move, are the Empress Nuwa and Empress Houtu all right?" Wukong thought to himself.

Then Wukong and Zixia chatted casually, just like that, two hours passed before they knew it.

"Zixia, let's go back." Wukong stood up and said to Zixia.

"Okay." Zixia said with a smile on her face. After chatting with Wukong for so long, Zixia was very happy inside, as sweet as eating honey.

After returning to the tribe, Wukong and Wukong did not go back to their residence immediately, but Zixia introduced Wukong to the people in the tribe one by one.

In this way, nothing happened for three consecutive days, and Wukong and Zixia took a walk around the tribe these days, of course, to see if they could meet hunters.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Wukong and Zixia went out for a walk again. This time, Wukong and Zixia walked a little farther. They left the tribe and walked more than 1 meters to the south.

Just when Wukong and Zixia sat down, suddenly there was a huge explosion and fierce fighting from the direction of the tribe.

"Zixia, the hunter has appeared, let's go, let's go back quickly." Wukong quickly stood up and said to Zixia.

"Okay, let's go back quickly." Zixia also stood up quickly, and then the two hurried towards the direction of the tribe.

"You two, why are you in such a hurry to go back? Why don't you stay and have fun with me for a while, haha." When Wukong and Zixia had just rushed back less than a hundred meters, a silly teasing sound came from Wukong and Zixia. There was a sudden sound from the rear.

(End of this chapter)

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