Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 246 Hunting the Storm

Chapter 246 Hunting the Storm ([-])

After hearing this, Wukong and Zixia stopped immediately, and then they turned around, only to see a seventeen or eighteen-year-old young man wearing a straw hat and blue cloth clothes in front of him casually looking at him. Goku two people.

As soon as Wukong saw the person coming, he suddenly had an inexplicable feeling that the person was not simple.

"Who are you?" Wukong asked, "You go back first." Then Wukong said to Zixia.

"Okay, Wukong, be careful." Zixia found that Wukong was very serious at this time, so she thought that this young man must not be simple, and staying here by herself would not only be of no help, but would also drag Wukong down, so Zixia also No more nonsense, staring at Wukong for a second or two
Then he turned and flew towards the tribe.

"She cares about you very much." The mysterious young man didn't answer Wukong's question, nor did he stop Zixia from leaving, but said to Wukong with a smile.

"Who are you?" Wukong repeated the question just now, completely ignoring the ridicule of the mysterious young man.

"Haha, listen, I'm a hunter, what's the matter, aren't you scared?" The young man smiled in a pose he thought was cool.

"You are not a hunter." Wukong said lightly.

"Why do you say I'm not a hunter?" the young man shouted.

"The hunters are in a group of five, and you are only one person." Wukong remembered what the hunter said before.

"Who says I'm alone." Just as the young man finished speaking, four young men with different appearances appeared beside him.

"It's just a split body technique." As soon as Wukong finished speaking, four people with different appearances appeared around him.

"Haha, I'm just joking with you. Although I'm not a hunter, I'm also here to hunt you." As soon as the mysterious young man finished speaking, the young man and the four clones around him jumped up like lightning and rushed towards him. Goku.

Wukong has always been on guard against this mysterious young man. As soon as the young man made a move, Wukong immediately took defensive measures.

"Bang, bang, bang." Two of the ten figures separated like lightning as soon as they made contact.

The other eight figures produced a huge explosion sound of 'exploding' as soon as they came into contact.

The explosion immediately produced huge smoke and flying stones. After the smoke disappeared, Wukong and the young man were seen standing opposite each other in mid-air.

"The strength is not bad. If you can take my next move, I will tell you a secret. If you can't take it, then I'm sorry. I have to say goodbye to you." The young man smiled strangely road.

"Then let me show you your brilliant moves." Wukong's intuition told himself that the opponent was not easy, and he must not underestimate the enemy, so Wukong put up all his energy to prepare for the battle.

Wukong secretly gathers the Holy Power of Douzhuan in his hands, and at the same time turns his golden eyes, watching closely the every move of the mysterious young man.

I saw that the mysterious young man didn't make much movement, he just shook his neck, twisted his waist, and squatted down to press his legs.

Suddenly, the young man raised his right hand and slashed towards Wukong, a silvery white light slashed towards Wukong.

Wukong was waiting for this moment, but when the silver-white light was gradually approaching him, Wukong frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

Because the power of this light slash is very small, let alone yourself, even a practitioner at the early stage of a saint can resist it.

(End of this chapter)

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