Chapter 247 Xuanling Canyon ([-])

Although Wukong was very puzzled, he did not let go of his vigilance. Wukong believed in his intuition and thought that this young man was absolutely powerful, and even threatened him. Therefore, Wukong clenched his right hand into a fist and punched forward quickly.

"Bang." An invisible force collided with the silver-white light, and there was an explosion sound immediately, and the space also produced violent vibrations, but all this passed quickly, and everything returned to normal.

"Papa papa." Loud applause suddenly sounded at this moment.

"Don't tell me, this is your strength." Wukong said indifferently to the mysterious young man who was applauding. Do not underestimate each other.

"Hey, you're really right, I only have this little strength." The young man said suddenly a little embarrassed, and rubbed his hands together, looking very shy.

Wukong suddenly felt speechless, at this time a crow flew out from nowhere, and flew over the heads of the two of them with a 'croak'.

"Huh?" Wukong was even more speechless when he saw the crow that appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey, I'm sorry, it's just to create some atmosphere." The young man touched his head with his right hand and grinned.

"Since you took my trick, I will tell you a secret." The young man continued, "Treasures will be born in Xuanling Canyon in 1000 years. As for the level of treasures, I don't know." I told you, but it's definitely good for you

Baby, I hope you have the guts to go then. "

"Why did you tell me this?" Wukong said lightly.

"You'll know when you're gone, then, goodbye." The young man had just finished speaking when he saw a door of space appear behind him, the young man hid in it, disappeared instantly, and the door of time and space also disappeared in an instant.

"Who the hell is he? Why did you tell me this? Sure enough, his strength is more than that just now. He can easily open the door of space in this plain of death. At least his use of the law of space is very high, but his main purpose is to lure me Go to Xuanling after a thousand years

Canyon, Xuanling Canyon, Xuanling Canyon, what kind of existence is it? "Wukong thought to himself after watching the young man disappear.

It's no wonder that Wukong is more sure that the strength of the mysterious young man is not trivial. After all, to open the door of space in this most advanced universe, not only must he have a deep grasp of the laws of space, but he must also have powerful mana as a backing.After all, opening the door of space requires

It consumes a lot of mana, not to mention that the mysterious young man opened the door of space so lightly.

Now Wukong has great expectations for the Xuanling Canyon in the mouth of the mysterious young man, and of course he looks forward to a real contest with the mysterious young man.

"Wukong, where was that person just now? What's wrong with you?" Wukong was interrupted by a sudden voice.

Wukong turned to look at the person who came. It turned out that the hunters who attacked the tribe had been dealt with. Seeing Wukong alone in a daze, Zixia ran over and asked.

"Hehe, I'm fine, that person has already left." Wukong responded with a smile.

"It's fine, Wukong, let's go back quickly, hee hee, I just defeated a hunter, but it's a pity that I didn't break through." Zixia said happily at first, and then became very depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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