Chapter 249 Xuanling Canyon ([-])

"Well, you finally did something that satisfies me." The middle-aged man nodded and said.

"What happened to my father and mother? My father got angry with me because of a stranger, and my mother didn't help me because of this stranger. Who is this Monkey King? Will he go to Xuanling Canyon after thousands of years? I didn't pay much attention to this matter before, I didn't expect my father and mother to care about this matter so much, what if he doesn't go? It seems that I have to sneak out for a while, first to find out the details of Monkey King, second Come and bring him to Xuanling Canyon, and see what father and mother want to do?" Yanfeng thought secretly.

"Batian, you should calm down, your son is still young and ignorant, anyway, he didn't make any big mistakes, and he has already taken care of this matter, so don't blame him." The beautiful woman asked the middle-aged people persuaded.

"Well, Yuexian, I'm fine, but you have to take care of him more in the future, don't get too used to him, or it will be too late to cause trouble in the future." Batian said seriously.

"What? You want to blame me entirely, don't you? Don't forget, he is also your son, and a son doesn't teach father and son how to behave." Yue Xian stared at Ba Tian again and said.

"Hey, how dare you? I was joking." Ba Tian said with a smile, and returned to his previous henpecked look.

"Hmph, come with me." Yue Xianqiong wrinkled her nose, then turned around and walked outside.

"Ah, it's too bad. I'm going to be beaten again. It's obvious that your loving mother is a loser. Oh, I don't know when this kid will learn to be more stable?" When Batian followed Yuexian to the door, he casually Xiang Yanfeng took a look, then shook his head and thought to himself.

When Batian and Yuexian went out, Yanfeng also dodged and disappeared: "Father and mother, I'm going to retreat to practice, don't bother me no matter if there is something important or not."

"This kid slipped out to play again, I don't know who should suffer this time, alas." A thought appeared in the hearts of Batian and Yuexian at the same time.

The camera zooms back to Wukong's tribe, at this time Wukong, Zixia and Xuanxi are discussing things in Xuanxi's room.

"Xuanxi, do you know the place called Xuanling Canyon?" Wukong asked Xuanxi.

"Xuanling Canyon? Is it possible that you are also a great sage?" Xuan Xi suddenly stopped talking at this point.

"What am I? Is there anything I can't say?" Wukong wondered when he saw Xuan Xi's hesitation.

Xuan Xi didn't answer Wu Kong's words immediately, but went to the door and ordered: "Haoyu, come here."

Haoyu who was nearby heard Xuan Xi calling him, and immediately ran over, and asked curiously, "Brother Xuan Xi, what's the matter with you?"

"You inform me that if it is not a matter of life and death, no one is allowed to disturb my discussion with the Great Sage within the next hour." Xuan Xi said very seriously.

"Don't worry, Brother Xuanxi, I will inform you, and no one will disturb you talking with the Great Sage." Haoyu saw that Xuanxi was very serious, and knew that they must have important matters to discuss and could not be disturbed, so he solemnly guaranteed.

After Haoyu left, Xuan Xi closed the door, and then arranged a sound-proof barrier.

Seeing Xuan Xi doing this series of things, Wu Kong became more interested in Xuanling Canyon, but he didn't ask any more questions because he knew that Xuan Xi would tell him what he wanted to know.

(End of this chapter)

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