Chapter 250 Xuanling Canyon ([-])

"Brother Xuan Xi, what's wrong with you? Why are you making it so mysterious? Where is the Xuanling Canyon?" Zixia is not as thoughtful as Wukong, so Zixia is very surprised by Xuanxi's behavior and can't help asking.

"Great Sage, can you answer the next question?" Xuan Xi asked Wukong instead of answering Zixia's question.

"Well, you can ask." Wukong nodded.

"May I ask who sent you here?" Xuan Xi asked immediately after Wu Kong agreed.

"What do you mean?" Wukong frowned and asked suspiciously.

"Great Sage, Ming people don't do secret things. I was sent by Emperor Sheng Hao to the Plain of Death. I wonder which big man sent you?" Xuan Xi said directly.

"I don't know what Emperor Shenghao is, and I'm not sent by anyone. I just want to ask you about Xuanling Canyon. If you really don't want to talk about it, that's fine." The reason why Xi came to the Death Plain was sent by a big man named Emperor Sheng Hao, and it seems that there are other people sent.

"By the way, you said you were sent here, so is there a passage to the outside world and the plain of death?" Wu Kong asked excitedly without waiting for Xuan Xi to speak.

Wukong really wants to leave here and go to the source world. After all, the practitioners here are basically eliminated from the source world. Although the competition here is fierce, compared with the source world, the people in the source world are basically in the source world. The competition in the source world It must be more intense, and it is more suitable for my practice there.

Now that Xuan Xi suddenly said that he was sent in from the outside, he might know that there is a passage between the outside world and the plain of death, so Wukong is very excited now.

"What? You really weren't sent in? Then how do you explain your strength?" Xuan Xi wondered, at this time Xuan Xi was a little bit convinced that Wukong wasn't sent in.

Then Xuan Xi continued: "I don't know if there is a passage to and from the outside world. Only those who have attained the Great Way can leave the Plain of Death. At least I haven't heard that people below the level of the Great Dao can leave the Plain of Death."

"What does this have to do with my strength?" Wukong asked very puzzled.

"Could I have been wrong in my guess all this time? I had heard Zixia say something about you before, and coupled with the strength you showed when I first met you, I thought you were sent in, but when you asked me When it comes to Xuanling Canyon, I am even more sure that you were sent in, but it seems that you are not sent in." Xuan Xi said.

"Brother Xuanxi, why can't I understand what you are saying!?" Zixia interrupted.

"After you listen to the story I'm going to tell, you will understand." Xuan Xi explained.

"Brother Xuan Xi, hurry up and tell me." Zixia said impatiently.

"For a long time, people in the plain of death and people in the source world have known that anyone who enters the plain of death cannot leave the plain of death until they have attained the Great Way, and people from the outside cannot enter it. Legend has it that entering the plain of death There is only one practitioner in the plain who has attained the Great Way and left the plain of death and returned to the source world." Xuan Xi paused a bit when he said this.

"Actually, that person is my master Tianchen Taoist. After he returned to the source world, he inadvertently revealed one thing, that is, there is a relic of Yuanxin Daozu in the Xuanling Canyon of the Death Plain, and the master is also accidental. Entering the periphery of Xuanling Canyon and obtaining the treasures inside, it was only then that he broke through the peak of the Heavenly Dao and achieved the Great Dao Fruit Status." Xuan Xi continued.

(End of this chapter)

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