Chapter 251 Xuanling Canyon ([-])

"It is precisely because my master revealed the news that Xuanling Canyon is the relic of Daoist Yuanxin that it attracted the attention of the major forces, so the major forces sent their subordinates to the Death Plain to try to find Daoist Yuanxin Therefore, I thought you were also sent in before, and I wanted to know if you were from the same camp." Xuan Xi then finished in one breath.

"Isn't it true that only practitioners who haven't reached the quasi-sage cultivation level within a thousand years will be sucked into the Death Plain by the law of the Death Plain? Then how did you get in?" Wukong is still more concerned about these issues.

"It is true that only practitioners who have not reached the quasi-sage cultivation level within a thousand years will be sucked into the death plain by the law of the death plain, but we are all selected by the major forces, and we can first suppress our strength , as long as we don't break through to quasi-sage within a thousand years, then we will be sucked in by the law of the death plain. After entering the death plain, we will no longer suppress the power. While improving our own strength, Another task is to find Xuanling Canyon."

"It has been more than 1000 years since I entered the Plain of Death, and there is still no news about Xuanling Canyon. I learned from my master that Xuanling Canyon is extremely dangerous just on the periphery. Although it is dangerous, there are also many treasures. Of course, those treasures It's not that easy to get, my master only got two grandmist spirit treasures back then, but my master has seen more than one hundred grandmist-level magic treasures."

"Think about it, there are so many Primordial Spirit Treasures on the outside, so there may be some treasures inside, maybe there is the practice and understanding left by Yuanxin Daozu, these are the real treasures for those who are strong in the Dao. My treasure. That's why so many Dao-level powerhouses sent people to the Death Plain to find Xuanling Canyon." Xuan Xi explained to Wukong and the others.

"Brother Xuanxi, you said that your master is the legendary Daoist Daoist Tianchen, so who is the Emperor Shenghao you mentioned earlier?" Zixia asked curiously. Emperor Shenghao sent him here, not Taoist Tianchen, so Zixia was very curious.

"Emperor Shenghao is my ancestor. If my master hadn't accepted me as a disciple, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to have the opportunity to meet my ancestor. It is also because my master is Tianchen Taoist, so my ancestor came forward personally. Seeing me, he proposed to me the matter of coming to the Plain of Death, and Master also agreed, saying that this is a kind of training for me. Great Sage, I don’t know how you know Xuanling Canyon?” Xuan Xi explained After finishing, he asked Wukong by the way.

"A mysterious young man told me just now. He only said that a treasure would be born in Xuanling Canyon after a thousand years, and asked me if I had the courage to go there. He didn't tell me the location of Xuanling Canyon or any information." Wukong replied, since Xuanxi If you tell yourself the relevant information about such a big treasure as Xuanling Canyon, then you don't need to hide the mysterious young man.

"By the way, you just mentioned that the Xuanling Canyon is erratic, there is no exact location, and there are many treasures just outside the Xuanling Canyon, but the mysterious young man said that a treasure will be born in the Xuanling Canyon after a thousand years. That is to say, the place where treasures are born in the Death Plain after a thousand years should be the place where Xuanling Canyon will appear." Wukong suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

(End of this chapter)

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