Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 255 Mysterious Level Task

Chapter 255 Mysterious Level Task ([-])

The person who came was the mysterious young man Yanfeng who told Wukong that a treasure was born in Xuanling Canyon.

"Welcome, guest, please come inside. I wonder what fine wine you want?" As soon as Yanfeng finished speaking, a waiter immediately went up to guide Yanfeng to go inside.

"Just take out the best wine here, remember, it's the best wine, don't fool me with just a bottle of wine." Yanfeng said in a loud voice.

"The best wine? But, guest, that needs 70 origin stone coins." The guy hesitated, no wonder he hesitated, because Yanfeng was still dressed the same, wearing a blue cloth jacket and an off-white cap. Straw hats, and from the surface, Yanfeng doesn't look like a master, so the hotel clerk is worried that Yanfeng can't afford the drink.

As mentioned earlier, one of the conditions for entering Zhendong City and other three big cities is to contribute one ton of Origin Stone, which is actually two thousand Origin Stone coins, and one Origin Stone coin weighs one catty.

Of course, that condition is the condition for entering the three super big cities. The condition for Wukong to enter this small city only needs to pay ten source stone coins. dangerous.

Paying ten origin stone coins is just to enter, and if you want to live in, you have to pay another origin stone coin, which is one hundred origin stone coins every year.Although compared to the contribution of two thousand origin stone coins from the three super cities, it is very cheap to only enter it, but the three super cities are absolutely safe, and this small city is still very dangerous.

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for.

"What? Isn't it just 70 origin stone coins? Are you still afraid that I won't be able to pay you, sir?" Yanfeng said angrily when he saw the hotel clerk hesitate, and suddenly a saint's coercion pressed on the hotel clerk.

"Holy, holy man." The man was so short of breath and trembling by the sudden coercion that he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"I'm sorry, Senior Saint, you don't care about villains, please forgive this blind guy." The hotel steward hurried over and said kindly. Although the backers behind them are the five saints in charge of Moonscar City, but He is also a saint, and it is his own fault. Of course, the person in charge dare not make a big deal, or else his position will be lost.

"Damn it, don't hurry up and apologize to Senior Saint." The hotel steward then reprimanded the hotel clerk.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, senior sage, please calm down, I'm blind, I'm sorry." The hotel clerk reacted immediately when he was called out by the hotel steward, and then he slapped himself in the face with his hand, and kept apologizing .

At this time, everyone in the hotel lobby looked at this side, looking like they were watching a good show, and talking in low voices.

"Okay, hurry up and bring me the best wine." Yanfeng immediately put away the pressure of the saint, he just wanted to teach the hotel staff a lesson, and he didn't want to make a big deal out of it.

"Okay, Senior Saint, just wait a moment, I'll go get you some wine right away." The manager of the hotel immediately said with a smile on his face.

"Don't let me go back yet." The hotel steward turned around and yelled at the hotel clerk in a low voice, and then hurriedly walked inside.

The hotel clerk was reprimanded by the hotel steward again, and quickly nodded in agreement, and then quickly ran to the side to greet other guests.

(End of this chapter)

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