Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 256 Mysterious Level Task

Chapter 256 Mysterious Level Task ([-])

"Haha, Monkey King, long time no see. I didn't expect the two of us to meet here. Our fate is not shallow!" Yanfeng actually saw Monkey King when he first came in, but there was a little episode in the middle, and now Just say hello.

Everyone focused on Yanfeng again, because the practitioners who ate here were basically at the quasi-sage level. In a small town like this, it is difficult to see a saint-level powerhouse in a hotel. It has been confirmed just now that Yanfeng Feng is a strong person at the level of a saint, and now Yanfeng greets a person in the hotel, then this person is probably also a strong person at the level of a saint, so everyone wants to see who it is.

"Not long, only ten years." Wukong said lightly.

"Haha, we are so familiar, why don't you invite me to sit down?" Yanfeng smiled and walked towards the dining table where Wukong was.

"Whatever you want." Wukong said after drinking the glass of wine in his hand.

Yanfeng moved away the chair on Wukong's left, and sat on it casually.

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Qi Yanfeng, you can call me Yanfeng." Qi Yanfeng introduced himself to Wukong as soon as he sat down.

"Well, what do you want from me?" Wukong asked lightly.

"Man, bring me another pair of chopsticks." Qi Yanfeng didn't answer Wukong's question immediately, but shouted at the counter.

"Senior, come right away." The hotel steward happened to come out with a bottle of fine wine at this moment, and when he heard Qi Yanfeng shout, he immediately took out a pair of chopsticks and a wine glass at the counter, and then walked quickly towards Qi Yanfeng.

"Senior, here is the soul wine you want, a pair of chopsticks, and a wine glass. I don't know what else do you want, senior?" The hotel manager quickly walked to Qi Yanfeng's side, and presented the wine respectfully.

"No need, you go down." Qi Yanfeng waved his hand after passing the soul wine, wine glass and chopsticks.

"Okay, senior, if you have any requests later, just ask, I will leave first." After the hotel steward finished speaking respectfully, he left immediately.

At the same time that the hotel manager left, Qi Yanfeng also opened the Soul Yunjiu.

"I didn't come here on purpose, it's just that we met here. Would you like a drink? This soul wine can strengthen the soul, and it tastes delicious." After pouring himself a glass of wine, Qi Yanfeng took When you pick up the wine bottle, you have to pour wine for Wukong.

"No need, I'll just drink my own wine." Wukong declined.

"You are really out of touch! But I'm not like you, I don't know out of mind." Qi Yanfeng took back the soul wine, picked up the chopsticks, picked up the food Wukong ordered, and then delivered it to his own mouth.

"This dish is pretty good, and it's really good when paired with this fine wine." Qi Yanfeng finished eating the dish in two or three mouthfuls, and then drank a glass of soul wine.

Wukong didn't stop Qi Yanfeng either, and let him eat whatever he wanted.

Soon the two drank their wine and finished their food.

"Dude, checkout." Goku called to the hotel clerk.

"Guest, you need [-] origin stone coins in total for your food and drink, thank you." Soon a hotel clerk came over and said politely.

"This is for you. There are 100 million origin stone coins in it. You don't need to look for it. I paid for the meals of everyone present today. This should be enough?" At this moment, Qi Yanfeng casually threw a space ring to Hotel guy.

(End of this chapter)

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