Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 257 Mysterious Level Task

Chapter 257 Mysterious-level Task ([-])

"Hoo hoo." Qi Yanfeng casually spent the 100 million origin stone coins, which immediately caused an uproar among everyone present except Wukong and himself.

"Enough, enough, definitely enough." The hotel clerk quickly realized, and then took the interspatial ring thrown by Qi Yanfeng with a smile on his face.

In the source world, when cultivators spend origin stone coins, they will always pay for a space ring containing origin stone coins.The space rings in the source world are worthless at all, one source stone coin can buy a thousand space storage rings with a size of one hundred cubic meters.

No matter how large the space in the magic weapon of space that can only be used to store inanimate objects is very cheap.Of course, space-type magic weapons are also expensive. Those space-type magic weapons that have a space far exceeding [-] cubic meters and can enter living things
Generally very expensive.

"Here is [-] origin stone coins. I don't need him to pay for mine." Wukong also took out a space ring, put it on the table, and then stood up and walked outside.

"Hoo hoo." Wukong's refusal to buy it caused an uproar from the crowd.

"Hey, why are you like this? Hey, wait for me." Qi Yanfeng saw that Wukong ignored him at all, so he quickly stood up and chased after him.

"Who are they?" After Wukong and Qi Yanfeng left the hotel, the people in the hotel started talking.

They didn't dare to discuss it before because they knew that Qi Yanfeng was a saint, and they couldn't understand Wukong's strength. He might also be a saint, so they didn't dare to discuss it, for fear of offending the saint. Now that Wukong and the others have left, everyone immediately gossiped and speculated realize

Kong and Qi Yanfeng's identities.

"Sun Wukong, stop for me. If you want to know the information about Xuanling Canyon, stop for me." Seeing that Wukong didn't pay attention to Qi Yanfeng at all, and just walked out of the city by himself, Qi Yanfeng was in a hurry, and hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Wukong. .

"If you have anything to say, let's talk after leaving the city." Hearing this, Wukong raised the corners of his mouth slightly, with a faint smile on his cheeks, and then echoed.

Wukong had observed Qi Yanfeng's expression, and had expected Qi Yanfeng to follow him, so he deliberately ignored him, lest the other party use the information from Xuanling Canyon as a threat to make him do something he didn't want to do.

"What are you doing? Isn't it the same here? Why are you keeping it so secret?" Qi Yanfeng said helplessly, but Wukong ignored him and continued to walk outside the city. Qi Yanfeng had no choice but to shrug his shoulders, and then followed.

Soon Wukong and the two came to the side of dozens of boulders 100 meters away from Moonscar City.

"Hey, is this okay?" Qi Yanfeng shouted from behind.

"Okay, now you can talk about it, what do you want from me?" Wukong stopped, turned around and asked Qi Yanfeng.

"Hmph, I was going to tell you about Xuanling Canyon, but it seems you don't want to hear it anymore." Qi Yanfeng said suddenly.

"No way, it's fine if you don't want to say it. I don't have much time to chat with you, so I'll leave." Wukong shrugged, spread his hands and said helplessly, and then turned to leave.

"Wait, did I say it's not enough?" Qi Yanfeng suddenly shouted, and then said disappointedly: "It's so boring, I still want you to beg me."

Qi Yanfeng's words and deeds were like a very playful naughty boy, which made Wukong feel speechless and helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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