Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 262 Five Lines of Origin Beast

Chapter 262 Five Element Origin Beast ([-])

Afterwards, Wukong and Wukong respectively wrote their names and code names on the first silver-white light curtain inside the Xingji Jade Card with their spiritual sense.

"Now, please choose the tasks you want to accept. Our tasks are divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Yellow..." the staff introduced again.

"Wait, I don't need your introduction, we know that." Qi Yanfeng interrupted.

"Then may I ask you two to choose which level of missions are Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang?" the staff member asked.

"We will choose this mysterious mission." Qi Yanfeng pointed to the silver-white light curtain behind the two staff members.

"Please, both." The two staff members said at the same time, and then they stepped aside.

Wukong and Qi Yanfeng looked at the silver-white light curtain together, and saw that the tasks on the light curtain were divided into nine ranks from top to bottom, and each rank had a hundred tasks.

"We'll choose the No. [-] mission of the Xuan-level First Grade." Qi Yanfeng said to the staff after taking a look.

"Collect one cub of the Five Elements Origin Beast and give it to Xingji, regardless of the type, the time limit is 100 years, and you will get [-] points after completion." Wukong silently read the No. [-] task of the first grade of Xuan level.

"May I ask you two to take this task as a team? Or alone? If you form a team, you will get not only individual points but also team points after completing the task. These points can be exchanged for prizes in 'Star Pole' in the future." staff again

Ask and explain.

"We form a team, do we need a team name?" Qi Yanfeng answered first.

"That's right, then please discuss a team title, and write it on the first light curtain of the Xingji Jade Card." The staff member nodded.

"Sun Wukong, what do you think our team's name should be?" Qi Yanfeng asked Wukong sideways.

"Hongmeng." Wukong said flatly.

"Hongmeng?" Qi Yanfeng was slightly surprised, and the staff beside him were also very shocked.

"Haha, Hongmeng, okay, let's use the name Hongmeng, Monkey King, you really dare to think about it." Qi Yanfeng laughed and said, he is the master who is not afraid of anything, and those who dare to use the title of Hongmeng are all great supernatural powers Or, he didn't expect Wukong to be like him

He is not afraid of heaven and earth, which is exactly what he wants.

Those staff members didn't think so anymore. They thought Wukong was arrogant and arrogant, and he dared to use this title.

Then Wukong and Wukong formed the team of "Hongmeng", which later became a combination that shocked the entire Death Plain and even the entire source world.

"Then, please give us the Xingji Jade Card in your hands for a record." After a while, the staff member said again.

Then Wukong and Qi Yanfeng handed over the Xingji Jade Card to the staff, and saw that the two staff took out a purple-gold sphere in their hands at this time, and then touched the sphere with the Xingji Jade Card, and saw the purple-gold sphere Immediately, a purple-golden light radiated, and at the same time

The sample Xingji jade tablet also emitted silvery-white rays of light, and after the two kinds of rays of light were intertwined, all the rays of light instantly disappeared into the purple-gold sphere.

"You two, the records have been completed. This is your Xingji Jade Token." After the staff finished recording, they returned the Xingji Jade Token to Wukong and the others.

The purple-gold sphere records the information in the Xingji Jade Card of everyone who accepts the task of 'Xingji'.

(End of this chapter)

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