Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 263 Five Lines of Origin Beast

Chapter 263 Five Element Origin Beast ([-])

Wukong and Qi Yanfeng took the Xingji jade token and walked out the door.

"Where can I learn the basic common sense of the entire source world?" Wukong said to Qi Yanfeng via voice transmission.

"You want to know the basics of the source world? Could it be that you really came to the source world from another universe?" Qi Yanfeng echoed.

"Yes, that's right." Since he teamed up with Qi Yanfeng, and he also told himself his identity, there is no need to hide his identity from other universes.

"You want to know what common sense, let me tell you, I know a lot." Qi Yanfeng and Wukong said while walking.

"You should first tell me what level the three heavenly universes are and what the source beast is? Others, you can tell me as much as you can." Of course, Wukong couldn't expect Qi Yanfeng to tell me everything he knew about the source beast. Letters from the World and the Plain of Death

Tell yourself everything.

For example, why Qi Yanfeng's parents asked him to tell him about Xuanling Canyon, he couldn't tell himself, but Wukong himself roughly guessed it, but he didn't know if it was correct.

"Then let me tell you about source beasts first. In the entire source world, all demon cultivators who major in the ontology are divided into fairy beasts, divine beasts, holy beasts and source beasts according to their grades. Generally, fairy beasts grow up when they reach adulthood. Can have a beast emperor cultivation base equivalent to the level of an immortal emperor, and the cultivation base of a practitioner in the source world
The levels are divided into cultivators, immortals, true immortals, golden immortals, mysterious immortals, immortal emperors, ancient immortals, quasi-sages, saints, heavenly dao, dao and supreme dao. Everyone in the source world is a practitioner, so people in the source world He began to practice since he was born. "

"My mother told me about the Supreme Dao. After all, the Supreme Dao is very far away from us. At present, most practitioners in the source world think that the legendary four Supreme Dao powerhouses are just the peak powerhouses of the Dao. In fact, they are stronger than the peak of the Dao. The presence."

"As for ordinary divine beasts, they can have quasi-sage cultivation after they reach adulthood, holy beasts generally have saintly cultivation after reaching adulthood, and origin beasts generally have heavenly cultivation after reaching adulthood. The task is to find the metal, wood, water, fire, earth and five elements

There is one source beast cub of each attribute.Therefore, our task this time is not easy. There will definitely be adult source beasts guarding the cubs. With your saintly Dzogchen cultivation base, don't hold me back when the time comes. "Qi Yanfeng did not forget to tease him.

"Don't worry, I will never be your burden." Wukong replied lightly.

"Hey, that's good, then I'll continue. As for the evolution of the three heavenly universes, you will know when you prove the heavenly fruit, but if you want to know now, then I will tell you." Qi Yanfeng Said around the bend.

"Evolution of the three Heavenly Dao universes is still at the level of Heavenly Dao. You should know about Jiuhuan Dao Pill, right?" Qi Yanfeng asked immediately.

"Jiuhuan Dao Pill? I've heard of this name, but I don't know what it is?" Wukong recalled the conversation between Ouyang Han and Xuan Xi back then, they had mentioned Jiuhuan Dao Pill.

"What? No way? You don't even know the Nine Huan Dao Pill, man! Now I really doubt how you got the Dzogchen fruit status." Qi Yanfeng suddenly yelled strangely.

This time, Qi Yanfeng did not transmit the sound to Wukong, but called out loudly, which immediately attracted the attention and discussion of passers-by around him.

(End of this chapter)

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