Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 264 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff

Chapter 264 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff ([-])

"Did I hear you right, sage Dzogchen?" One of the young people asked the person next to him suspiciously.

"You, you heard it right, it is indeed a Saint Dzogchen. I didn't expect that there would be a Saint Dzogchen-level powerhouse in our small Moonscar City! Even the strongest of the five saints in Moonscar City is only a Saint. Late level." The person next to him replied.

"Aren't they the two strong saints in the hotel before?" Another person said.

Of course, Qi Yanfeng also realized that the people around him were looking at him, so he quickly shouted to the surrounding people: "What are you looking at? Have you ever seen anyone speak loudly?" scared
Turn around, and at the same time quicken your pace, and walk quickly to one side, for fear that if you walk slowly, you will offend the saint if you are not careful, and you don't know how you will die when the time comes.

Although saints cannot kill people below the level of saints, they can send a large number of quasi-sage-level powerhouses to take revenge on themselves.

"Just say what you want. As for how I attained the Dzogchen Dzogchen is my privacy, I don't need to tell you, right?" Wukong said arrogantly through voice transmission.

"I'm really convinced of you, okay, let me say, the so-called Jiuhuan Dao Pills are actually nine Dao Pills produced by practitioners who have achieved the status of saints in the sea of ​​consciousness. These nine Dao Pills are the key to the evolution of the universe. , to achieve the Heavenly Dao Fruit Status, one needs to evolve a Dao Pill into
A perfect Heavenly Dao universe, a perfect Heavenly Dao universe requires perfect Heavenly Dao rules. "

"I have now perfectly evolved three Heavenly Dao universes. No matter whether I have evolved one Heavenly Dao universe or nine Heavenly Dao universes, they are all at the level of Heavenly Dao. Now you should understand." Qi Yanfeng said to Wukong through voice transmission.

After saying this, Wukong and Qi Yanfeng just walked out of Moonscar City within a hundred meters.

"Those origin beasts were also brought in by the rules here?" Wukong asked.

"No, most of the fairy beasts, divine beasts, holy beasts, and source beasts here are aboriginal residents. Of course, a few were sucked in because of the rules of the Death Plain. After all, they belong to the line of demon cultivators, and they are also cultivators. Or, it's just that they took shape very late

That's all.In fact, there are many other kinds of aborigines in the dead plains. "Qi Yanfeng shook his head and said.

"No wonder I told the first tribe people I met after entering the Death Plain that I appeared on the Death Plain. They didn't doubt what I said. It turns out that there are other aborigines here." Wukong suddenly remembered the previous things .

I also remembered that the first group of hunters I met had told him that the lowest level of hunters who were just born was the quasi-sage cultivation level, and that he used the holy body of good fortune back then, which was equivalent to the cultivation level of the immortals in the source world. Because, of course those people don't doubt Wukong anything, for them

Goku isn't threatening at all.

"Then where should we go next? Where can we meet Yuan Beast?" Wukong asked again.

"Of course we head west. Those aborigines basically live in the middle of the death plain. Of course, there, hunters will not hunt them. Hunters only hunt outsiders." Qi Yanfeng said West pointed.

"Okay, let's set off to the west." After Wukong finished speaking, he flew to the west.

(End of this chapter)

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