Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 265 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff

Chapter 265 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff ([-])

Qi Yanfeng followed closely behind.

Along the way, Qi Yanfeng told Wukong a lot of common sense about the source world and the plain of death, which gave Wukong a better understanding of the source world and the plain of death.

"Why, you know so much about the outside world?" Wukong asked curiously.

"Secret." Qi Yanfeng said mysteriously, and then Qi Yanfeng said: "By the way, you said you came from the outer universe. From my point of view, your aptitude is not bad. You should be with those who are looking for Xuanling Canyon. people who suppress their cultivation and enter death

Plain. "

"Huh? But you are from the outer universe, plus you don't know much about Xuanling Canyon, you can't be sucked in because of deliberately suppressing power in order to find Xuanling Canyon. Then why did you enter the plain of death? of?" Qi Yanfeng wanted to know more about Wukong.

, wondering why his parents paid attention to Wukong.

"It's also confidential." Wukong replied simply.

"Uh! You're amazing." Qi Yanfeng was speechless.

"If you don't tell me now, I believe that one day you will tell me everything about you." Qi Yanfeng thought to himself, and then glanced at Wukong.

At this moment, the sound of fierce fighting came from the left.

"There's a situation on the left, do you want to go and have a look?" Qi Yanfeng is a typical lively person, and when he heard the fierce battle sound on the left, he naturally wanted to join in the fun.

"Okay, let's go." Wukong also felt the terrifying aura coming from the left, which gave Wukong the desire to fight.

Ever since Wukong broke through to the Saint Dzogchen level, he hasn't met an opponent who can fight. Although Qi Yanfeng's strength is much higher than Wukong, Qi Yanfeng is unwilling to fight Wukong. According to Qi Yanfeng, Wukong and him are far behind. , I don't care to fight

Thinking, he doesn't want to suppress his strength to fight with Wukong, if he wants to fight, he will fight with all his strength, so he won't fight Wukong yet, as long as Wukong is able to fight him one day, he will accompany him at any time.

Therefore, after Wukong felt the terrifying aura coming from the left, of course he wanted to take a look.

"Shout! Hehe, there is something to do." Qi Yanfeng said happily, "Hey, why are you leaving first? It's too embarrassing, hey." Qi Yanfeng saw that Wukong flew to the left first, and after shouting a few times Hurry up and catch up.

Wukong and Qi Yanfeng flew to the south for nearly [-] kilometers, which is to the left of the previous position, and finally saw a figure.

I saw ten people and one beast fighting at a position [-] meters in front of Wukong, mainly one of the ten people was fighting the huge dog-shaped beast at close range, and the others surrounded them in all directions. Attack from a distance.

"It's an adult water-attribute origin beast, the Haoyue Silver Mastiff. Haha, I didn't expect such good luck to let us meet the Haoyue Silver Mastiff here. Then his nest should be nearby. As long as we find his nest, we may I found a water-attribute source beast cub, haha
. "Qi Yanfeng said excitedly.

"Don't be so happy so early, maybe he came from other places, not from here." Wukong said coldly.

"Haha, don't worry about this. I don't know if there is a group of Haoyue Silver Mastiffs here, but I am very sure of one thing, that is, Haoyue Silver Mastiffs will be in pairs after they grow up, and they are basically inseparable, unless the female Haoyue The silver mastiff needs to protect the cubs,
Can't leave, and Xiong Haoyue Silver Mastiff is fighting the enemy outside, otherwise it will definitely not be left alone. "Qi Yanfeng said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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