Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 267 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff

Chapter 267 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff ([-])

"You don't need to worry about where they went, all you need to know is that you will be my opponent next time." Wukong said loudly while flying towards Haoyue Silver Mastiff.

When Haoyue Silver Mastiff saw the mysterious young man rushing towards him, he couldn't help being on guard with all his strength. He couldn't see Wukong's true realm, so he was very wary of Wukong, an unknown enemy.Even Qi Yanfeng couldn't see through Wukong's realm, let alone far inferior to Qi Yanfeng.
Feng's Haoyue Silver Mastiff.

At this time, Wukong was full of fighting spirit, his whole body revealed a powerful force, he transformed into a golden yellow energy bar in his hand, and rushed towards the Haoyue Silver Mastiff hanging in mid-air with extreme speed.

The distance of [-] meters, in the blink of an eye, was reduced to a dozen meters.

"My dear, what a strong aura, is this still at the Dzogchen level of a sage? This is too perverted." Qi Yanfeng was startled by Wukong's powerful aura.

"One of the great sage's stick techniques is sticking up to the sky." Wukong slammed down a stick, and immediately a huge golden stick shadow hit Haoyue Silver Mastiff quickly and accurately.

"What's going on? Why is he not using the power of heaven, but the power of a saint? Could it be that he is at the level of a saint? It's impossible. How can a saint have such a powerful power? Even if he uses the power of nothingness, it's impossible. , not to mention that he did not use
With the power of nothingness, it is impossible, absolutely impossible. "Haoyue Silver Mastiff felt that Wukong's power was the power of a saint, but he didn't believe that Wukong was using the power of a saint.

But it wasn't Haoyue Silver Mastiff's turn to think too much, Wukong's attack was about to befall him.

"Aw!" The five-meter-high Haoyue Silver Mastiff raised its head to the sky and screamed, and an invisible ripple spread out, and suddenly a transparent water wall appeared in the sky above and blocked Wukong's stick.

At the same time, countless sharp ice cones pierced out from under Wukong like lightning.

Wukong suddenly felt the strong space binding force acting on his body, as if his body was out of control. Seeing that countless ice picks were about to pierce Wukong's body, Wukong was unable to move. Even if he could move, it would be difficult to get out , of course the same

It was too late to resist.

At this critical moment, a mysterious and ancient force erupted from Wukong's body.

"Bang." There was a huge explosion at Wukong's position before, a huge energy body shot up into the sky, circles of energy scattered around, and the terrifying breath also spread around, and a trace of space cracks followed. appear.

Both Wukong and Haoyue Silver Mastiff were covered by this huge mass of energy, and ordinary practitioners could not see what was going on inside from the outside.

But Qi Yanfeng, who was watching the battle, could see what was going on inside.

"Hey, this is too strong." Qi Yanfeng was once again shocked by Wukong's strength, he couldn't believe what he saw.

What Qi Yanfeng saw was that the surface of Wukong's body suddenly burst into dazzling golden light, and then those ice cones couldn't enter Wukong's body at all.

Then with Wukong as the center, a group of golden energy balls rapidly enlarged, expanding to a diameter of ten meters in less than a second. The energy ball suddenly exploded, and then Wukong and Haoyue Silver Mastiff were covered in the explosion. The huge energy generated in the body.

In this huge explosion, Wukong was not damaged at all, but Haoyue Silver Mastiff was bombed, leaving only a huge head.

(End of this chapter)

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