Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 268 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff

Chapter 268 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff ([-])

However, Haoyue Silver Mastiff's body was repairing at an extremely fast speed. In less than a second, Haoyue Silver Mastiff had recovered to its original state.

"Sure enough, you are only at the level of a saint, but your strength shocked me. You can be so strong. But if you think that you can beat me like this, then you are completely wrong. No matter how evil you are, the level of a saint is always It can't beat the power of the Heavenly Dao level
The difference between them is a qualitative gap, not a quantitative one. " Haoyue Silver Mastiff said loudly.

"Really? You'll only know after you've fought, show off your full strength." Wukong said confidently.

Haoyue Silver Mastiff stopped talking nonsense, and saw a crack appear on the top of Haoyue Silver Mastiff, from which a drop of black liquid flew out, and the black liquid instantly disappeared into Haoyue Silver Mastiff's body.

"Pfft." An incomparably powerful aura burst out from Haoyue Silver Mastiff's body, causing ripples in the space, and the huge energy body instantly disintegrated and returned to heaven and earth.

Wukong felt the change of the Haoyue Silver Mastiff, and the blood in his body boiled up. At this time, Wukong's desire to fight became stronger, and small streams of golden light burst out from his body, and each stream of light exuded the power of destroying heaven and earth. .

"Whew." Wukong raised his fist violently and rushed towards Haoyue Silver Mastiff. At this time, Wukong did not transform into an energy stick, but directly attacked with his fist.

When Wukong was less than one meter away from the Haoyue Silver Mastiff, the surrounding scene suddenly changed. Stars were hanging in the sky, and an ancient aura emerged spontaneously. Even the Haoyue Silver Mastiff that Wukong was about to hit could Disappear.

"Bang." "Boom." Suddenly, Wukong punched the air, and an ancient and powerful invisible force suddenly hit the front, and countless stars suddenly turned into nothingness and disappeared in this vast star world.

"Haoyue Silver Mastiff, why are you hiding? If you have the ability, come out and have a great fight with my old grandson." Wukong looked around, but he couldn't find the Haoyue Silver Mastiff, so he shouted loudly.

At this time, Wukong also understood that Haoyue Silver Mastiff should also use the power of heaven. This time the scene is similar to the last time he fought Jiang Fan, but this time the breath revealed by the starry sky world is more ancient and majestic.

"Hmph, you are too overestimating yourself, do I need to avoid you?" Suddenly there was a ripple in the void, and then the Haoyue Silver Mastiff suddenly appeared from the void to Wukong's left, and then waved a sharp The claws grabbed Wukong's chest.

"Chichi." The space in front of Wukong was like paper, after being grabbed by Haoyue Silver Mastiff, space cracks appeared in front of Wukong immediately.

"Puchi." The speed of the Haoyue Silver Mastiff was so fast that Wukong had no time to dodge. Immediately, the Haoyue Silver Mastiff left five long claw marks on Wukong's chest, and immediately sprayed a large amount of gold from Wukong's chest. yellow blood.

"Well, even the primordial spirit and soul were damaged, what a weird attack, but fortunately I used the power of the universe in time." Wukong suffered from the pain, and quickly dodged to the right, and at the same time turned the bucket to turn the holy power to restore the primordial spirit, The soul and the wound on the chest.

I saw that the space of stars had changed at this time. It should be said that it was no longer the space of stars. I could only see chaos everywhere. mastiff.

(End of this chapter)

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