Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 269 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff

Chapter 269 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff ([-])

"What's going on? What's going on? My cosmic law seems to be suppressed, and I even feel a force is absorbing my cosmic law." Haoyue Silver Mastiff, who launched a strong attack at this time, had his heart turned upside down. He found that the mysteries of the laws of heaven and the universe that he had comprehended seemed to be absorbed by a mysterious force.

It can't be said to be absorbed, because the law of his comprehension is mysterious and he can still, it should be said that it has been copied away. He can clearly feel this, but he can't find out what is wrong.

"What's your name? I have to admire you for your strength. I didn't expect that you, a saint, are not only powerful in your own strength, but even the power of nothingness can exert such great power, let alone your cosmic power. Not only is it powerful, but it's also very strange." Haoyue Silver Mastiff couldn't help but praise it as the more he fought, the more frightened he became.

The two figures collided fiercely in this chaotic space no less than [-] million times, and the huge energy wave made the entire chaotic space on the verge of breaking apart.Wukong has been in a passive state throughout the battle, only blindly defending, without any chance of counterattack.

"Remember, I am Sun Wukong, Monkey King." After blocking another fierce attack from the Haoyue Silver Mastiff, Wukong used the method of space teleportation, and said after dodging a hundred meters behind the Haoyue Silver Mastiff.

Wukong's code name in "Xingji" is Monkey King. Since Wukong left the tribe, he didn't plan to keep a low profile, so he used the title Monkey King.

At that time, when Qi Yanfeng heard Wukong say that the code name he used was Monkey King, he was shocked again, but he soon let go of it.

Because Wukong and his team dared to be named Hongmeng, it was no surprise that Wukong's title was called Monkey King. Afterwards, he regretted that the title he gave was not aggressive enough, and Qi Yanfeng's title was Prince Xiaoyao.

"You are really arrogant and arrogant enough, then let me, Mastiff Shen, teach you a lesson." Haoyue Silver Mastiff Mastiff didn't give Wukong a chance to fight back at all. As soon as Wukong finished speaking, he attacked, and at the same time shouted loudly. Said.

"Chi Chi." Wukong's right hand was cut off by the sudden blue brilliance, and golden blood spurted out like a water column.

"Chi Chi." Before Wukong had time to dodge, the blue brilliance cut through the space barrier, leaving dozens of long bloodstains on Wukong's body in the blink of an eye. At this time, Wukong was like a golden man, covered in golden blood all over his body. cover.

"You can definitely be said to be a heaven-defying existence, but you are far behind me now. If you give you time, you will definitely become a peerless powerhouse, but many peerless geniuses die in the process of growing up In the middle, today is your death date, although I don't want to kill you, a peerless genius, but the cause and effect between us must be resolved, I will not give you a chance to make you stronger, if you want to blame, you are too arrogant." Mastiff Shen After finishing speaking, he was ready to give Wukong the final fatal blow.

A terrifying aura swept across the entire chaotic space, and the long sword exuding a faint blue light instantly transformed into countless long swords, all of which locked Wukong's aura.

All this happened very quickly, and the whole battle process did not exceed 1 minute. Wukong's breath was a little weak at this time, and his injuries were also very serious. The situation was very critical and not optimistic.

(End of this chapter)

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