Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 270 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff

Chapter 270 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff ([-])

"I thought that compared with the same level, I borrowed much more power from the power of nothingness, and it should not be much worse than that of the early days of Heavenly Dao. I didn't expect that there was still a lot of difference, and I was completely suppressed and beaten by him." Wukong He smiled wryly in his heart.

In fact, what Wukong doesn't know is that the power in him borrowing the power of nothingness is no worse than that of Mastiff Shen, but his comprehension of the laws of the power of heaven is much worse. In addition, Wukong has no magic weapon, while Mastiff Shen has a chaotic treasure. Such a comparison widens the gap.

Wukong's Hongmeng Mieshi stick is in his Mieshi Saint Body, the Mieshi Saint Body is in Qinmeng Universe, and the Hongmeng Creation Fossil is in the Good Fortune Saint Body, but the Good Fortune Saint Body is cultivated in the tribe, and they didn't come out together, so Wukong is like this Two magic weapons, so the first body has no magic weapon.

"Huh? What's going on here?" Suddenly Wukong felt a lot of mysterious and mysterious information in his sea of ​​knowledge, which was information about understanding the mysteries of the universe.

Moreover, Wukong felt that the information seemed to be his own, and he could use these laws and mysteries skillfully. At the same time, Wukong felt a powerful force from his universe rushing to his meridians all over his body. There was an indescribable feeling. Smooth □ □.

But now is not the time to check the reason, Mastiff Shen's attack is about to come again, whether he can escape is still a problem.

"Fight." Wukong doesn't care what is going on with the powerful power suddenly coming out of his body, and whether there is anything wrong with it. He will use it to solve the immediate problem first. In short, Wukong's intuition tells himself that there will be absolutely no problem with this energy. .

"Go." Mastiff spit out the word without emotion, and suddenly saw countless long swords emitting blue light cut through the space, stabbing at Wukong with unparalleled power.

At this time, Wukong was completely locked by countless long swords, there was nowhere to hide, and there was no way to avoid it.

However, just when Mastiff thought that Wukong would be wiped out by countless Youlan swords, souls and souls, a miracle happened.

I saw a faint golden light glowing on the surface of Wukong's body. It was this seemingly insignificant light that blocked countless sharp swords.

"Drink." Wukong yelled suddenly, his arms trembled, and immediately a circle of golden ripples visible to the naked eye dispersed to the surroundings. In an instant, countless blue long swords were turned into powder, and then disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, there are countless Youlan long swords left, which is the body of Youlan long sword.

"Pfft, how is it possible? How is this possible?" Mastiff spit out a mouthful of blood and said frantically.

The reason why Mastiff Shen is so out of place is not only because of Wukong's sudden and powerful power, but also because this power actually includes Mastiff Shen's comprehension of Tao, the mystery of the universe, and the laws of heaven and earth.It is equivalent to saying that Wukong used Mastiff's power to deal with Mastiff, but with the addition of Wukong's power, this force was even stronger.

Just when Mastiff Shen lost his mind, Wukong's attack also arrived.

"Bang bang bang." Punch after punch, each punch firmly hit the same position on Mastiff Shen's body, that is, the head.

The situation was completely reversed. At this time, Mastiff Shen was completely suppressed and beaten by Wukong, and he was hit by a move. The beaten Mastiff Shen was shocked, his breath was completely disordered, he had no ability to fight back, and he couldn't even defend.

(End of this chapter)

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