Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 271 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff

Chapter 271 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff (VIII)

"The great sage's stick sweeps thousands of troops." Wukong suddenly transformed into an energy stick and swept it towards Mastiff Shen.

"Boom." In an instant, a huge stick shadow swept across Mastiff Shen's body, and then dissipated in the sky and the earth.

Time seemed to freeze, Mastiff Shen remained motionless.

"Hiss." Suddenly, Mastiff Shen's body disintegrated, and disappeared in an instant, turning into nothingness.

Mastiff is dead, completely dead, and he died with grievances. He can't believe himself until he dies. A strong man of heaven was defeated or even destroyed by a saint. What's more, he doesn't understand that this saint has obtained all his insights into the universe of heaven. .

Once Mastiff Shen died, Youlan Sword became an ownerless thing, and then Wukong flew forward, grabbed Youlan Sword in his hand, and collected it into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Afterwards, the chaotic space also shattered and disappeared, and everything returned to normal, except that Haoyue Silver Mastiff Mastiff Shen and the 11 people who had previously fought against Mastiff Shen were missing.

"Sun Wukong, you really surprised me! You actually killed Haoyue Silver Mastiff, who is a strong man of heaven, and completely wiped out his soul and spirit." Qi Yanfeng moved to Wukong's side in an instant, with an exaggerated expression Said to Wukong.

But Wukong didn't answer, he seemed to be thinking about something, and didn't move.

"No way? You guys have realized something! My God, when you were only a saint at the Dzogchen level, you could kill a strong man with a magic weapon at the level of the heavenly way with your bare hands. If you break through to the level of the heavenly way this time, I'm afraid it won't be long before you can defeat me, so how can I be fooled?" Qi Yanfeng yelled strangely.

"No, I have to hurry up and practice. Although I am not as perverted as you, I am still a peerless genius, and I will not be too far behind. I will definitely not be overtaken by you so easily. With this decision, I will also challenge A strong man breaks through himself between life and death." Qi Yanfeng suddenly said firmly, his expression was very serious, without the slightest hint of a hippie smile.

"However, you actually chose this time to feel comprehension in this place. I don't know if it means you are bold? Or do you believe me very much?" Qi Yanfeng smiled wryly, and then looked around in all directions with a vigilant expression.

It is no wonder that Qi Yanfeng warned that killings are very common in this Death Plain, especially on the territory of the original residents of this Death Plain. The battle just now may attract nearby strong people, but Wukong suddenly realized here, if it is not Qi Yanfeng is here, and it is very likely that there will be a strong person at the level of heaven to attack, and those at the level of saints and below do not have the courage.

Even if there is Qi Yanfeng guarding here, there may be strong people coming to sneak attack. After all, Qi Yanfeng can only be regarded as the early stage of the Heavenly Dao, and there are too many monks who are stronger than him. Wukong's victory over the Heavenly Dao powerhouse with the realm of a saint will definitely attract the attention of others. Therefore, Qi Yanfeng hoped that no one stronger than him would pass by nearby.

"Another continent, 360 five main stars, and countless stars were born. No wonder my power suddenly increased so much. But what happened to my sudden understanding of the laws of heaven and the universe in my mind? Is it also because Is it caused by the formation of this continent, the main star body and countless stars?" Wukong thought to himself.

"But how did this continent, 360 five main stars, and countless stars appear? I didn't realize anything just now. What's going on?" Wukong wondered.

(End of this chapter)

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