Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 272 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff

Chapter 272 Bright Moon Silver Mastiff ([-])

"Wait, these insights that suddenly appeared in my mind seem to be somewhat similar to Mastiff Shen's supernatural powers, is it possible?" Suddenly Wukong had a flash of inspiration and thought of a possibility.

Then Wukong probed his consciousness into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness and found that the word "Yu" appeared again, but it became very blurred. , Suddenly a large amount of information emerged.

It turns out that the "Yuxu Heart Sutra" is divided into five stages in total, each character represents a stage, and the four characters "Yu Xu Heart Sutra" represent the first four stages. Each stage of the first four stages needs to derive 91 continents and corresponding Corresponding number of primary bodies and stars.

The fifth stage only needs to evolve a continent and the corresponding number of main stars and stars, but it is the most difficult. Wukong’s previous life, the origin of the heart, was stuck here, so there is no one in the fifth stage. Explain that Wukong only knows that there is a fifth stage, but how to achieve it is unknown.

Now Wukong has entered the first stage, and each stage will have a corresponding supernatural power. The first stage of supernatural power is to devour other people's Tao and turn it into his own use. Before Wukong used the power of the universe, he accidentally used swallowing Supernatural powers.

As a result, Mastiff absorbed all the perceptions of the laws of heaven and the universe, and suddenly had so many perceptions of the Tao, just like Wukong's sudden enlightenment, and immediately derived a continent, 360 five stars and countless stars, so Wukong Boosted so much power.

Wukong's devouring supernatural power is not ordinary devouring supernatural power, his devouring has no side effects, and what is swallowed can be used immediately and completely for himself, as if it belonged to him originally, and the degree of fusion with his own Tao is [-]% .

Of course, devouring supernatural powers is not as simple as devouring other people's Tao, which can only be discovered by Wukong later.

Wukong is just at the beginning of the first stage now, so the word "yu" is still very vague. When "yu" is completely clear, that is when the first stage of the "Yuxu Heart Sutra" is completed.

"So that's it. This supernatural power is really heaven-defying. I don't know what the next three stages of heaven-defying supernatural powers are? I'm really looking forward to it." Wukong said happily in his heart.

Just as Wukong figured it out, after regaining his mind, he heard Qi Yanfeng guarding beside him, so Wukong said, "Qi Yanfeng, should we go to the nest of Haoyue Silver Mastiff?"

Qi Yanfeng was called by Wukong, his expression became very rich, and then a ray of light flashed, and the next moment Qi Yanfeng was hanging in front of Wukong, with his hands on Wukong's shoulders, and then Qi Yanfeng looked left and right, finally with an inconceivable expression. The tone said: "You are over so soon?"

Wukong just checked his body and thought about problems, not a sudden enlightenment, so he didn't have a complete sense of consciousness. He knew about the outside world, and he heard everything Qi Yanfeng said just now.

He was also grateful for Qi Yanfeng's performance, so Wukong said: "Hehe, I didn't have an epiphany, I just pondered some questions, but I still want to thank you."

"What, it made me worry for nothing for a long time. If you think about it next time, remember to let me know. Do you know that this is very dangerous for you?" Qi Yanfeng said with a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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