Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 274 Breaking the Wind Holy Land

Chapter 274 Breaking the Wind Holy Land ([-])

Of course there were eleven more people, and those eleven people were exactly the eleven people who were forced into the space gate by Qi Yanfeng during the fight with Mastiff Shen earlier.

"It's them. I didn't expect that they would be thrown into Haoyue Silver Mastiff's nest." Qi Yanfeng said in surprise.

Not only Qi Yanfeng was surprised, Wukong was also a little surprised.

But something even more unexpected happened. The female Haoyue Silver Mastiff suddenly exploded, and a force of destructive power swept across a space of tens of thousands of meters, and the berserk force raged wildly in this space.

"Fortunately, I used the law of space to capture the cub in time. Otherwise, I would have to search for the water-type origin beast again. Unexpectedly, the female Haoyue Silver Mastiff chose to blew herself up and died with the enemy, even leaving her own child alone." At this time, Qi Yanfeng and Wukong had already left the previous place far away.

Fortunately, Wukong and the others reacted quickly, and found that the female Haoyue Silver Mastiff was about to explode in time, so they immediately took countermeasures. Qi Yanfeng used the door of space to capture the cub in an instant, and then flew northward with Wukong quickly, without being affected by the powerful force.

But those 11 people were not so lucky, and all died in battle.

"She must know that Mastiff is dead, and her strength is not as good as those 11 people. She will be killed sooner or later, and her child will not end well. In this case, it is normal for her to choose to blew herself up." Wu Kong Said lightly.

"Well, that's right, then let's continue heading west." Qi Yanfeng said after putting the cub into the space bracelet that can be loaded into living things.

Then Wukong and the two continued to fly west.

On their way to the west, the two of Wukong met some hunters, but those hunters did not dare to stop the two of Wukong.

After all, the powerful aura emanating from Wukong and Wukong made them dare not go forward, and Wukong and Wukong wanted to avoid hunters from bothering them.

So they released a powerful breath to keep those hunters from approaching. In this way, Wukong and Wukong's journey along the way was unimpeded.

"Sun Wukong, in a short while, we will arrive at the territory of the Liefeng Clan, do you want to go in and make a fuss?" Qi Yanfeng became playful again.

"The Cracking Wind Clan? Isn't that the race of hunters? Their strongest is only equivalent to the Dzogchen level of a saint. What's the fun of going there." Wukong didn't plan to go to the territory of the Cracking Wind Clan to make trouble.

The strongest hunters are only equivalent to the Dzogchen level of the saints, but they cannot evolve the universe, and of course it is impossible to use the power of the universe to fight against monks of the same level as the Dzogchen level of the saints. The hunters are not as good as the monks.

"Hey, the Cracking Wind Clan has good things." Qi Yanfeng said seductively.

"What's so good?" Wukong asked curiously. Even Qi Yanfeng, who has a strong backer, said there was something good, so that good thing should really be a good thing.

"Hey, you'll know when you go, how about it? Are you going or not?" Qi Yanfeng kept asking without telling Wukong.

"Huh? Okay, I'll go." Wukong said after hesitating for a while.

The reason why Wukong hesitated was because he didn't want to waste time on boring things. Their task of finding the cubs of the Five Elements Origin Beast was time-limited.

Although the 100-year period has only passed for more than five months, they have already caught one cub, but this is luck, and it is not known how long it will take to catch the remaining four.

(End of this chapter)

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