Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 275 Breaking the Wind Holy Land

Chapter 275 Breaking the Wind Holy Land ([-])

Since Xingji has given 100 years, it means that it is definitely not that simple to gather the cubs of the Five Element Origin Beasts, and Wukong does not want to spend so long to complete the task. He has to complete the task as soon as possible, and then do other tasks. Earn more source coins.

Of course, if the Cracking Wind Clan really has treasures worth going to, it’s okay to go, anyway, it’s a way to go, it’s even better if you can get that treasure.Of course, Wukong didn't expect to get the so-called good things from Qi Yanfeng. If it was really a good thing that even the Heavenly Dao level missed, there would definitely be many Heavenly Dao level powerhouses competing for it.

However, the Cleave Wind Clan has been born for so long, and there must have been many powerful people at the level of Heavenly Dao, but the good things are still there, which shows that the good things are not so easy to get.

After Wukong and Qi Yanfeng finished talking, they continued to fly to the west. After flying nearly 3 meters, they flew northward for more than [-] meters. After that, Wukong and Qi Yanfeng saw a huge city, which exuded ancient and mysterious The breath makes people sigh.

"How big is this city?" With Wukong's eyesight, he couldn't see the ends of both sides of the city, so he couldn't help asking curiously.

"More than 600 billion square kilometers, let's go in." Qi Yanfeng urged.

"Huh? We just swaggered in like this?" Wukong asked suspiciously.

"Of course, don't you look at who I am, the son of the ruler of the Death Plain, the sons of the chief hunters, do they dare not let me in? Even if I don't have this identity, with our strength, you Do you think any of them will be our opponent? Even if they have a large number, their numbers cannot make up for the gap in strength." Qi Yanfeng said very stinkingly.

"Uh, alright, let's go in." After Wukong finished speaking, he and Qi Yanfeng flew to Split Wind City.

There are no guards outside the gate of Cracking Wind City, not even the city gate.

"Qi Yanfeng, you said just now that they couldn't even resist us, so how did they keep their treasures? Before us, there must have been someone who was much stronger than us. Could it be that your parents gave birth to us?" face?" Wukong thought of another theory that Qi Yanfeng said just now.

It seemed that without Qi Yanfeng's special identity, they could easily break in.If Wukong and Wukong can break in and win the treasure with their strength, then those who are stronger than them must be able to do it too.

"Hey, you'll know later, their treasures are not so easy to get." Qi Yanfeng smiled pretending to be mysterious.

So Wukong and the two swaggered into the city of Cracking Wind. As soon as they entered the city, the two of them landed on the ground and then walked inside.

The first thing that caught their eyes was small palaces. The same palaces were neatly arranged on both sides, and there were countless rows of the same palaces on both sides, extending to the ends of both sides of the city. There was a straight road in the middle, endless as far as the eye could see.

What's even more weird is that there is no hunter on the road. Wukong and Wukong came in, and no hunter came out of the palace, as if it was an uninhabited city.

"Could it be that all the hunters have gone out to hunt and haven't come back yet?" Wukong wondered.

"No, not all the hunters will be dispatched every time. Only half of the hunters go out to hunt, and the other half stay in the city. Most of them are in the palace and won't come out. Let's go. We went straight to the Holy Land of Cracking Wind City." Qi Yanfeng explained.

(End of this chapter)

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