Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 276 The Origin Treasure

Chapter 276 The Origin Treasure ([-])

Immediately, he rose from the sky and flew straight ahead.

"The Holy Land of Cracking Wind City?" Wukong muttered for a while, then followed Qi Yanfeng and flew towards the end of the road.

The two Wukongs flew forward all the way, and after about three hours, the two Wukongs finally flew to the end. It can be seen how vast the City of Cracking Wind is, and at the speed of the two Wukongs, it has been flying for so long, and it is only a straight line The flight is just from one end to the other. If you go around the Split Wind City, you don't know how long it will take.

Now Wukong and Wukong are no longer in front of the small palaces on both sides, but a pool of water. In the center of the lake stands a five-meter-high statue. It exudes a breathtaking power, which makes people have an urge to worship.

Suddenly, Qi Yanfeng knelt down and bowed to the statue.

"Qi Yanfeng, what's wrong with you?" Wukong asked puzzled.

"Huh? I don't know. There is an invisible force that forced me to kneel down and worship. It's strange, why are you okay?" Qi Yanfeng was shocked by Wukong's call, and immediately reacted, standing up and wondering road.

"Why didn't I feel it? Now there are three paths, which way should we go?" Wukong shook his head, and then asked again.

In fact, Wukong and Wukong did not reach the end of the other end from the previous entrance, but in the very center of the city. There are four entrances and exits in the east, west, north, south, and north directions of the city, and there is also a straight road leading to the central lake. It can also explain the vastness of the City of Split Wind.

"You didn't feel the coercion coming from the statue?" Qi Yanfeng looked at Wukong like he was looking at a monster, with an incredulous expression on his face.

"No, I just feel that this statue seems to be related to me, and it has a familiar feeling." Wukong was also a little confused.

"Eh? You said you feel familiar? Do you know whose statue this is?" Qi Yanfeng gasped.

"I don't know, his face is very blurry, and I can't see clearly. Even if his face is clear, I might not know him. After all, I don't know many people in the source world." Wukong also thought that it was his mentor Bodhi. Patriarch or Xiao Hanyu, but he quickly denied it.

Because Wukong felt that the appearance of the statue should be that of a young man, so it should not be them, and he intuitively told himself that it was not them.

"It's not them, that's it." Wukong vaguely guessed whose statue it was, so he thought to himself.

"It is said that he is the statue of Yuanxin Daozu, the head of the four supreme beings. Those three roads lead to the other three entrances and exits. This is the Holy Land of Cracking Wind City I told you about. Now you should also know why there are so many strong people. Those who don't want to get the treasure here." Qi Yanfeng explained.

"Sure enough, no wonder there is such a strong sense of familiarity." Wukong thought to himself.

"You mean, it has something to do with the statue of Yuanxin Daozu." Wukong said so.

"That's right, because of the existence of the statue of Yuanxin Daozu, those strong men can't get the legendary treasure at all." Qi Yanfeng replied.

"Since so many strong people can't get it, what are we doing here?" Wukong asked.

"Of course I gave it a try, hehe, I never thought we'd come to the right place." Qi Yanfeng smiled happily.

(End of this chapter)

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