Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 277 The Origin Treasure

Chapter 277 Origin Treasure ([-])

"How do you say that?" Wukong asked puzzled.

"It is said that only practitioners who have not bowed and kowtowed under the statue of Yuanxin Daozu are eligible to obtain the treasures here, and you are the only one who has not felt the coercion and bowed down, then you are the one who is eligible to obtain the treasures here the predestined person.

"Qi Yanfeng explained.

"Sun Wukong, I didn't expect you to have such good fortune. To be honest, I really envy you." Qi Yanfeng said immediately, and at the same time looked at Wukong eagerly, showing a look of envy.

"Is the treasure in this lake?" Wukong quickly changed the subject.

"Maybe, or maybe not, I only know that the treasure is in the Holy Land of Cracking Wind, but I don't know if it's in the lake." Qi Yanfeng replied.

"Besides the lake, the Holy Land of Cracking Wind City is the statue of Yuanxin Daozu. If it's not in the lake, then it's inside the statue. I'll go into the lake to look for it first." After finishing speaking, Wukong jumped into the water with a 'plop' .

Half an hour passed quickly, and there were waves of ripples on the surface of the water, and soon a gray figure flashed out of the water, and the gray figure stood still beside Qi Yanfeng.

The man in gray was Wukong, and there was no water on Wukong's clothes, as if he had never been in the water at all.

"Sun Wukong, have you found any treasure?" Qi Yanfeng asked Wukong after seeing Wukong coming up.

"No, there is nothing in the lake." Wukong shook his head and said.

"Could it be true in the statue? But this is the statue of Yuanxin Daozu. How can we find it on the statue of his old man?" Although Qi Yanfeng is not afraid of heaven and earth, Yuanxin Daozu is the spiritual leader of the people in the source world. All origin people are very respectful

No one dares to disrespect the superpower.

Even though Yuanxin Daozu had fallen for so long, no one dared to disrespect Yuanxin Daozu.Even if this is just a statue of Daoist Yuanxin, no one dares to disrespect it. People in the source world always look respectful when they mention the name of Daoist Yuanxin.
The statue of the ancestor of Xin Dao.

Qi Yanfeng is also a member of the source world, and he is no exception. He respects the Taoist ancestor Yuanxin very much.

"It's okay, I'm going to look for it anyway." Wukong said casually.

"What are you talking about? Am I still afraid of being implicated?" Qi Yanfeng said angrily.

"Hehe, that's not what I meant. I know you respect Daoist Yuanxin very much, but I came from another universe. I don't know the deeds of Daoist Yuanxin. Of course, I can't talk about awe, and you also said that I am Predestined people who are eligible to obtain treasures, then

I am the person recognized by Taoist Yuanxin, so I am most suitable to check the statue of Taoist Yuanxin. "Wukong smiled, and then analyzed to Qi Yanfeng.

"Huh? You are right. Since you are recognized by Yuanxin Daozu, if the treasure is really in the statue of Yuanxin Daozu, then you are the only one who is qualified to inspect the statue of Yuanxin Daozu and take out the treasure. " Qi Yanfeng nodded in agreement after dispelling his anger.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that I would become someone I recognized." Wukong smiled wryly in his heart.

Then Wukong's consciousness unfolded and directly covered the statue of Yuanxin Daozu, trying to gain insight into the inside of the statue, but as soon as Wukong's consciousness touched the statue, it was blocked by an invisible force. It is no longer possible to peer inside the statue.

(End of this chapter)

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