Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 284: Flame Star Fragmentation

Chapter 284 The Fierce Flame Star Fragment ([-])

You can only have the ability to borrow the power of nothingness after being transformed by the primordial purple holy power, you are too confused

, By the way, I heard from my mother that the Primordial Realm not only exists in the Origin Realm, but also in the Sacred Realm of Destiny. Could it be that you are a cultivator who came to the Sacred Realm of Destiny? "Qi Yanfeng didn't wait for Wukong to answer, and suddenly trembled a lot.

"Huh? You are almost catching up with someone I knew before. I am indeed only over 2000 years old. I am not from the Heavenly Destiny Sacred Realm. I was born in the universe of Heaven and Dao, and I have been to the universe of Qinmeng. As for how I came here In the plain of death, an expert sent me in
of. "Wukong is actually talking about Tang Seng.

In the past, Wukong was calculated by the Buddhist world, and he was forced to be called Tang Seng's master. In his previous life, Tang Seng was only Jin Chanzi, a disciple of Duobao Tathagata, and his strength was not strong. Only his mentor Bodhi Patriarch

He is worthy of being his master, Tang Seng is not worthy at all.

"Expert? Which expert can ignore the rules of the Death Plain and send you in? The rules of the Death Plain were set by Yuanxin Taoist. How is it possible?" Qi Yanfeng opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief.

"Hehe, that's right, it was indeed an expert who sent me here. As for what method he used, I don't know." Wukong was actually a little puzzled in his heart. The rules of the death plain were set by his previous life. Yes, my previous life was the Supreme Dao

Strong man, how did Xiao Hanyu send himself in?Maybe he knows some special channel or some other reason.

"Who is that expert you are talking about?" Qi Yanfeng asked curiously.

"His name is Xiao Hanyu." Wukong didn't hide it either.

"Xiao Hanyu, I must meet this expert in the future." Qi Yanfeng said after silently reading Xiao Hanyu's name.

"Haha, now you know that I am older than you, so I will call you second brother from now on, and you can call me big brother." Wukong laughed.

"Okay, Brother Wukong, then let's go to the nearest Blue Wing City, which is the city of the Blue Wing Clan. It takes two to three hours to fly north from here." Qi Yanfeng said, pointing to the north.

"Well, let's go to Blue Wing City first." Wukong looked to the north and nodded.

Then Wukong and Wukong flew into the air and flew towards the direction of Blue Wing City in the north.

Leaving aside Wukong and the two who headed towards Blue Wing City, many places in the Death Plain are in chaos at this moment. The reason is that the Cleave Wind clansmen scattered in various areas of the Death Plain suddenly turned into little spots of light and disappeared during the hunting process. , one place where this happens is not

What caused it was that this happened in all the places where there were people from the Cleave Wind Clan, which immediately aroused suspicion and panic among various forces. They thought it was a bad omen.

After that, not long after, Wukong also got the other five jade tokens. Of course, the other five hunter races also turned into light spots and entered the jade tokens. When Wukong collected all six jade tokens, suddenly the six jade tokens The cards soared into the air, spun around together, and finally

The six jade plaques merge towards the middle.

The moment the six jade plaques merged into one, they turned into a red bird and soared into the sky, and then Lie Yan was seen hanging in the air holding a long spear emitting red light all over his body, very majestic.

(End of this chapter)

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