Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 285 Purple Winged Lion

Chapter 285 Purple Winged Lion ([-])

From this moment on, the entire Death Plain will no longer be peaceful. With the disappearance of the last hunting race, the Black Armor, the leaders of the three major cities immediately met to discuss countermeasures, just in case.

Not only the ascetics in the three major cities took action, but other small and medium-sized cities and tribes also stepped up their vigilance to prevent problems before they happen.Even the aborigines became panicked. The six major hunting races were the earliest life forms in the Death Plain.

Zai and the aborigines like them were born early.

Now that the six major hunting races have all disappeared inexplicably, the hearts of the aborigines are suddenly cast with a shadow of fear, for fear that they will also disappear inexplicably in the world.

Now, except for the two masters, Wukong and Qi Yanfeng, everyone basically believes that the catastrophe is coming, and many people even think that the end of the plain of death is coming.

Wukong had already told Qi Yanfeng about the hunters. As for the two masters, although they did not use their supernatural powers to monitor Wukong and the two, they knew the reason for the sudden disappearance of the hunters. Otherwise, how could they be the masters of the plain of death.

Ignore these for now, and then pull the camera back to Wukong's source of fire, the Holy Body Lieyan.

I saw that the flames radiating from Lie Yan's body changed slightly at this time. When Lie Yan was first born, the flames radiating from his body were fiery red, but now the flames radiating from his body are fiery red mixed with golden yellow.

"His original fire is about to evolve. When his original fire completely evolves into golden yellow, I will definitely not be able to resist Lie Yan's original fire without using magic weapons." Qi Yanfeng said a little Said blankly.

Then Qi Yanfeng stepped in front of Wukong, put his hands on Wukong's shoulders, and said a little madly: "Brother Wukong! Can you stop stimulating me, if you continue to stimulate me, I'm afraid I'm going to go crazy. "

"Haha, second brother, I don't think you are so bad. Anyway, you are also a strong man at the level of heaven. Now you are stronger than me. If I surpass you quickly, how can I be your big brother?" Wukong Haha smiled.

Hearing what Wukong said, Qi Yanfeng withdrew his hands and said angrily: "You still want to surpass me quickly, oh my god! Brother, I think even a strong man of the Dao will go crazy knowing that you are such a super genius .”

"No, I won't let you surpass me so easily, I have to redouble my efforts, let's go, let's hurry up and complete the first task, and then accept the more difficult task, I also have to hone my life and death. "Qi Yanfeng then changed the subject.

"Okay, okay, let's go, you lead the way, haha." Wukong said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go to the southwest next, and we will reach the Qiyun Mountains in a short time, where there are a large number of fairy beasts, divine beasts, holy beasts and the source beasts we are looking for." Qi Yanfeng soared to the southwest , then turned to Wukong


"Then let's set off to the Qiyun Mountains, Lie Yan, come back." After Lie Yan and Wukong merged into one, Wukong flew to the southwest with Qi Yanfeng.

Time flies in the blink of an eye, and two days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Now Wukong and Wukong have entered the Qiyun Mountains, and at this time they are halfway up a mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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