Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 292 Abnormal Protrusion

Chapter 292 Abnormal Protrusion ([-])

Of course, this is because he has not been able to exert his original power to the point of breaking the star of Baolie Yan.

In the case of the power of one, in addition, he is using the original power of fire, which is the most primitive and highest supreme fire attribute energy in fire.

Therefore, as a source beast of the fire attribute, the Purple Winged Lion is absolutely as fearful as a low-ranking person seeing a high-ranking person in front of him. Similarly, his fire-attribute attack has very little effect on it. Derived four complete heavenly universes

For a long time, the Purple Winged Lion also had a fight, but of course it was just a fight, not a win.

"My lord, just let me go out, they are very helpful for me to advance to the original power of fire." Lie Yan's voice came again.

"Huh? Okay, then you come out." Wukong was overjoyed when he heard that, and then agreed with Lie Yan to come out.

"Brother Wukong, are you alright?" Qi Yanfeng asked nervously while supporting Wukong, while resting his right hand on Wukong's back, continuously input mana to heal Wukong.

"Cough cough." Wukong opened his eyes and coughed twice and said, "It's okay, I can't die from this small injury, second brother, you don't need to heal my wounds, save your strength, and there will be stronger enemies when you go out later , I’ll just heal myself.”

At this moment, Lie Yan appeared beside the two of them, and then Lie Yan walked towards Shi Xiao and the others.

"Lie Yan, what are you doing?" Qi Yanfeng hurriedly shouted when he saw Lie Yan walking towards Shi Xiao and the others.

"You and this deity should hurry up to recuperate, and leave them to me." Lie Yan said without turning his head.

Qi Yanfeng didn't ask any more questions, after all, Shi Xiao and the others were already restrained by his own Immortal Bell, and they couldn't resist at all, so Qi Yanfeng wasn't worried about Lie Yan's safety.

So, Qi Yanfeng sat on the spot, took out two elixirs, handed one to Wukong and one to himself, and after eating the elixirs, he began to meditate.

Wukong took the elixir handed over by Qi Yanfeng, and after taking it, he began to meditate to heal his injuries.

I saw that Lie Yan was now walking beside a Purple Winged Lion. Lie Yan was standing in front of the Purple Winged Lion lying motionless on the ground. One-third of the height has not been reached, so it can be seen that the huge size of the Purple Winged Lion

Lie Yan slowly raised his right hand, and saw a layer of fiery red with traces of golden flames lingering around Lie Yan's right hand, and then Lie Yan pressed his right hand on the head of the purple-winged wild lion.

In an instant, from Lieyan's right hand to the whole body of the purple-winged mad lion, a ball of fiery red with a trace of golden flames was embedded, and within a short while, the purple-winged mad lion was captured by the source of Lie Yan. The fire covered his entire body.

I saw that the purple-winged mad lion gradually shrank, and finally turned into a purple-gold bead and a treasured sword exuding a simple atmosphere. The bead was instantly sucked into Lie Yan's hand and merged into his body, while the chaotic The Lingbao-level sword was also collected by Lie Yan

Then Lie Yan, like just now, refined the remaining seventeen purple-winged wild lions together with Shi Xiao into a purple-gold bead, and transformed their magic weapons.

The seventeen purple-gold beads Lie Yan only fused four again, and the remaining thirteen were not fused immediately, but were put away together with the 21 chaos-level magic weapons obtained again.

(End of this chapter)

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