Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 293 Abnormal Protrusion

Chapter 293 Abnormal Protrusion ([-])

In this way, Lie Yan obtained 22 magic weapons of the Chaos level, of which [-] were Chaos Spirit Treasures, and the remaining two were Chaos Supreme Treasures. Of course, after these Lie Yan got them, they would also belong to Wukong later. , It just so happens that Wukong lacks a magic weapon.

Of course, part of it belonged to Qi Yanfeng. After all, it was Qi Yanfeng who used a powerful magic weapon to restrain these purple-winged wild lions, preventing them from moving or resisting.

Otherwise, Lie Yan would not be able to refine the essence of fire in their bodies so easily, and it would be even more impossible to easily obtain these magic weapons of chaotic level.

When Lie Yan finished all this, Wukong's injury had already healed, and Qi Yanfeng had also rested long ago.

"My lord, here are the 22 magic weapons of chaos level obtained from them, two of which are the ultimate treasures of chaos." At this moment, Lie Yan walked up to Wukong and the two of them, and took out the 22 magic weapons.

"Well, hurry up and refine the fire essence of the five Purple Winged Lions that you just fused together." Wukong nodded and said.

"Yes, this deity." After Lie Yan finished speaking, he turned into a fiery red brilliance and hid in Wukong's body.

"Second brother, these 22 magic treasures are just like the two of us, ten chaotic spiritual treasures and one chaotic treasure, you choose first." Wukong said to Qi Yanfeng as soon as Lie Yan returned to the depths of Wukong's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Brother Wukong, you are a little out of touch. Do you think that as me, I still care about these magic weapons at the level of chaos? My Immortal Clock is a treasure of the primordial realm. In addition, I have three magic weapons of the primordial level. , compared to me, you are very lacking in law

Treasures, so, take all these magic weapons of chaos. "Qi Yanfeng said with a smile.

"Second brother, I have few magic weapons, but they are no worse than your Immortal Clock. To tell you the truth, the Lieyan Star Fragment used by Lie Yan is a treasure of origin, and it is a magic weapon of a higher level than the Primordial Treasure. , and each of my other two main bodies has one and Lie Yanxing

Crush magic weapons of the same level.And the first body of mine that you see now, although I don’t have magic weapons, I don’t need so many magic weapons. My own strength is the most important thing, magic weapons are only secondary, and even if I want magic weapons, I have to be the strongest. I will take it later

It's a gift, so you can also share half of it. "Wukong is not the kind of person who takes advantage of others.

Besides, he used strength to prove the Tao, his own strength is the most important thing, not to mention that he still needs to collect several other primordial treasures, with these few top-level magic weapons, what's the use of those low-level magic weapons?

Of course, the magic weapon of chaos is not considered low-level for the current Wukong.

"Original treasure? A magic weapon higher than the Primordial Treasure? Why haven't I heard of it? Isn't the highest-level magic weapon the Primordial Treasure?" Qi Yanfeng asked suspiciously. Before, he thought that Lieyan Xingsha was at the level of the Primordial Treasure, but he didn't expect Wukong Said to be higher than Hongmeng Zhibao

level magic weapon.

"You should know about the Four Supreme Beings, right?" Wukong didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"I know, the vast majority of people in Hongmeng think they are the pinnacle of the Dao Dzogchen, only a few people know that they are higher than the Dao level, and there is the Supreme Dao level above the Dao level. Brother Wukong, is your meaning is······"

Qi Yanfeng suddenly understood.

Digression: Sorry, there are only two chapters today, so I won’t explain the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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