Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 294 Abnormal Protrusion

Chapter 294 Abnormal Protrusion ([-])

"That's right, since the Supreme Dao exists above the Dao, why is there no magic weapon of a higher level above the Grandmist Supreme Treasure? And these magic weapons of the highest existence are actually the source treasures of the Four Supreme Beings and the life magic weapon. In fact The Supreme Dao is not the highest level, there is the Dao of Nothingness above it
, but no one can prove the fruit of nothingness, if someone can prove it, there may be a higher level of magic weapon. " Wukong explained.

"What? On top of the Supreme Dao, there is the Dao of Nothingness. How do you know? My parents never told me. Could it be the expert who sent you here told you?" Qi Yanfeng said in shock.

"Yes." Wukong nodded.

"Uh, it seems that we still have a long way to go." Qi Yanfeng sighed.

"Haha, second brother, can you share this magic weapon now?" Wukong said with a smile.

"Okay, big brother, I want it." Then Qi Yanfeng randomly took ten magic weapons of the level of chaotic spirit treasures and one magic weapon of the level of supreme treasure of chaos, and the remaining eleven magic weapons of chaos level were put away by Wukong.

Then Wukong looked around, then turned to Qi Yanfeng and said, "How should we get out of here?"

"As long as we break through a crack in space, we can go out, but this space is not so easy to break through. From the outside world, I can break through it with my strength, but it is difficult to break through here to go to the outside world. any rules, laws, but this

The space barriers here are very strong and special, otherwise this place would not become a battleground for great supernatural beings. "Qi Yanfeng replied.

"Of course, it is very difficult to open the space crack from the inside with our strength, but if we go out from the space crack that came in before, we can still get out easily. It is very weak there now, otherwise those purple-winged mad lions it won't be easy
Enter this different dimension to fight with us, this is the special feature of the different dimension. "Qi Yanfeng explained immediately.

"Going out from there, is there any problem?" Wukong felt that Qi Yanfeng still had something to say.

"There is a problem. If we go out from that weak point, we will return to Purple Wing Mountain. At that time, we will face more and more powerful Purple Wing Lions. At that time, even if I use this primordial treasure, the emperor will not I am afraid that it will be difficult to fight against them
Heng, after all, the Immortal Clock, I haven't even brought out one ten-millionth of its power. "Qi Yanfeng said worriedly.

"Well, you're right, then, let's wait before going out." Wukong said after thinking for a while.

"This different-dimensional space is not suitable for cultivation. Even if we stay here all the time, there is no solution. Brother Wukong, do you have any solutions?" Qi Yanfeng asked curiously.

"Yes, the only way is to wait for Lie Yan to digest the fire essence of the eighteen purple-winged lions, then we may be able to rival the strength of those purple-winged lions outside." Wukong replied.

"However, Lie Yan's current cultivation level has only evolved into a complete Heavenly Dao universe. Even if he can completely digest the essence of fire, how much power can he increase?" Qi Yanfeng did not believe that Lie Yan could digest the essence of fire. The essence can defeat the outside
Those Purple Winged Lions.

(End of this chapter)

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