Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 295 Abnormal Protrusion

Chapter 295 Abnormal Protrusion (VIII)

You must know that the purple-winged lions to be dealt with outside are no worse than the fourteen purple-winged lions you killed before, and some of them are even much stronger. Even if Lie Yan can absorb all the energy of those fire essences How much power can be increased by using it for your own use?and light
It is not very useful to increase the strength. If the gap in understanding the Tao is too large, it cannot be made up by that little strength.

"I don't know how far he can improve, but his original fire can be upgraded to the second stage this time. Although it can't be said that he can defeat those purple-winged mad lions outside, at least our comprehensive The strength will increase a lot, and we will not seek

We must be able to defeat them, at least we have a better chance of escaping from Purple Wing Mountain. Of course, if the difference in strength is not too great, it may not be impossible for us to fight them head-on. "For Wukong, if the difference is not too great

If he doesn't, he will definitely fight to the death with the opponent. In Wukong's heart, there is no word 'fear of death'.

If you can't even catch the opponent's half move, start a fight with the opponent, that is not bravery, it is reckless.

"Well, how long does Lie Yan need to digest the essence of fire? The time can't be too long, otherwise, that weak point will return to its original state, and we may have to stay here for a long time. Unless we can achieve seven

Only when we complete the level of the Heavenly Dao universe or someone else enters this different dimension from the outside world can we go out again. "Qi Yanfeng said thoughtfully.

"Well, it will probably take about three hours." Wukong said after pondering for a while.

"Three hours, that's fine, as long as it doesn't exceed 24 hours, it's only been half an hour since we came in, so there's plenty of time." Qi Yanfeng said with a smile.

"Well, the two of us will wait first." After Wukong finished speaking, he closed his eyes and traveled to Taixu, and went to understand the law of Tao.

Qi Yanfeng saw that Wukong had entered the state of cultivation again, so he recalled his Immortal Bell and continued to practice his Immortal Bell.

Time passed by little by little, and an hour passed quickly.

At this time, on the top of the Purple Wing Mountain outside, a ruddy old man in purple clothes said: "More than an hour has passed, Shi Xiao and the others haven't come out yet, it seems that I still underestimated those two little guys. "

"Patriarch, don't worry, Shi Xiao and the others will definitely come out soon." This old man is Shi Dongsheng, the patriarch of the Purple Wing Lion Clan. At this time, a middle-aged man in green clothes standing behind him said, this The middle-aged man in Tsing Yi was the one who rescued the two purple wings earlier.
Shi Yaoyi of the Wild Lion Cub.

"En." Shi Dongsheng said after slightly nodding his head.

Soon another hour passed.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with Shi Xiao and the others? It's been so long and you haven't dealt with those two little guys?" Shi Dongsheng said a little angrily. He thought that with Shi Xiao's strength, they were more than enough to deal with Wukong and the others, and it should be soon It can be solved, the result is unexpected

It has been so long that they haven't come out, this has to make Shi Dongsheng angry, and now he thinks that Shi Xiao and the others are ineffective.

"Patriarch, it may be that those two people have some powerful magic weapon, so Shi Xiao and the others can't solve them for a while."

(End of this chapter)

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