Wukong fights to transform into Hongmeng

Chapter 297 Abnormal Protrusion

Chapter 297 Abnormal Protrusion ([-])

"How is it possible? The second brother and the others couldn't have been defeated by the two of them, yes, they must have used some trick." Shi Yiyi didn't rush to kill immediately, but thought secretly.

"No, even if they used treacherous tricks, the difference in strength is so great. In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are just clouds. If the second brother and the others are really killed by them, there are two possibilities. The first is The different dimension space where the second brother and the others entered
There happened to be other strong men dueling inside, maybe the second brother and the others had clashed with those strong men, allowing them to take advantage of the loophole and escape.The second is that they hide their strength and pretend to be pigs and tigers, or they have magic weapons of the primordial level. "Shi Yiyi thought carefully again.


"Brother, this trick works. I didn't expect him to be so scared that he didn't dare to do it easily. Now that the space here is not locked by them, take advantage of this wonderful moment when the other strong men on Purple Wing Mountain have not yet come out. I will sacrifice the Immortal Bell first to catch him by surprise

And, then we immediately fled down the mountain. "Qi Yanfeng saw that Shi Yiyi did not act rashly, and then secretly transmitted a message to Wukong.

"That's not necessary, we don't have to run away, don't forget that we haven't caught the cub yet." Wukong denied Qi Yanfeng's idea.

"However, big brother, the difference in strength between us and them is too great. We can't compete with them at all. After catching the cubs, there will be opportunities. This time, I didn't expect that the patriarch of the Purple Winged Lion would come forward. We can go to other mountains to find them. A fire-attribute origin beast cub!

! "Qi Yanfeng analyzed.

"Haha, second brother, you don't have to worry about this. If I was half an hour ago, I would definitely not be so boastful, but now I am absolutely sure to snatch the cub, and we will go down the mountain very safely. And even if we now to other peaks, I am afraid

The same is true. "Wukong smiled confidently. Of course, he communicated with his consciousness, and Wukong's expression did not change.

"Brother Wukong, is it possible that Lie Yan's strength has been greatly improved? Although you said before that Lie Yan refined all the essence of fire in just three hours, but I know that each of those essences of fire The contained energy is no weaker than my own power
How many, not to mention that there are as many as eighteen! "

"In such a short period of time, if Lie Yan refined them, I'm afraid they won't be able to absorb much power. What's more, even if a large amount of power has been increased, there is a limit. After all, Lie Yan only evolves a complete heavenly universe, even if the power essence Lie Yan can be fully refined

Absorb them, but the heavenly law, the universe and the laws and rules, Lie Yan cannot absorb them, otherwise those strong people must have done so for their descendants long ago.And we have already discussed before that if the timing is wrong, we will escape!and how did you mention it
The same is true for other mountains? "Qi Yanfeng didn't think that Lie Yan could advance by leaps and bounds in such a short period of time, if that was the case, it would be too heaven-defying.

In the end, Qi Yanfeng also had some doubts why Wukong mentioned the same situation on other mountain peaks.

"Hey, second brother, you can trust your elder brother and me. I will tell you in detail after the cub of the Purple Winged Lion is caught, but now is not the time to chat. If the timing is really wrong if,
(End of this chapter)

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